I spent a few hours yesterday & almost all day today working on the RV - though there wasn't much worth photographing.
I started by filling up the mysterious dual reservoirs under the hood with some distilled water, only to have it all pour out of the bottom of the large reservoir. So much for that, whatever it is.
When I was up on the ladder the other day I could see a gap along the inboard edge of the vent fan over the bathroom. So I climbed up on a ladder & sealed it with 3M marine sealant 4000uv. Since I had that stuff out anyway, I went around the whole rig & redid any seals that were questionable at all. I didn't quite use the whole tube, but almost did.
Then I went back inside to work on getting it ready for the critters, as well as tackle a couple other things.
The table was rattling like crazy. I discovered there were only 4 of the 8 mounting screws for the lower bracket on the wall. One was backed most of the way out & the other 3 were loose, so I tightened them & installed 4 more. The brackets up top that the tabs slide into were a little wallowed out, so snipped off a couple pieces of rubber from an old bicycle inner tube & slipped them over the tabs. It still moves a little bit, but doesn't rattle around like before.
I didn't take any pics, but I enlarged the top of the cubby in the bedroom that originally held a TV. Now we can fit one of our sugar glider's travel cages up there & secure it into place.
While I was back there I filled in a gap on each side of the bed that our sugar gliders could get into if they got loose. Considering that's the back side of the fuse box with bare 110v terminating on the buss bars, we definitely don't want that to happen!
Then I started working on the over-cab cubby to make room for the other 2 cages. First of all, it was gross - there was roach poop everywhere. Second, there were all types of wires & cables strewn about. Some of them weren't terminated & one antenna cable was just cut off. Which is kinda weird considering there was another cable coax connection(I presume shore), plus the one that connects the antenna to the tv now. Next, I had to rip out the cabinet on the driver's side & the center shelf. Here's the before.

And here's what I ended up with. I only took one cage outside, but there's plenty of room for both of them. They don't impair ingress & egress from the side door at all, though we'll have to be careful getting to & from the cab.