Thread revival time. I really like motor scooters, but I kind of lost my nerve to ride them on the street a ways back. I finally hit the point where I was going to give it a try 2020. When hospitals started filling up, though, I decided it was a risk I didn't want to take. Now that things have settled down some, I shuffled a couple of scooters around in the garage so I can actually get to them. The plan is to get them running, get out on the road, and see how I feel about riding. If I just don't feel it's worth the risk, then I'll put one or more of them up for sale.
Scooter 1: 2006 Genuine Buddy 125 with a 150cc swap. I have a new battery bought 2 years ago on a shelf for it. Need to find it, and put it on a float charger and see if it'll still work. I think I'll drain the old gas, check and possibly change the oil, throw a charged battery on it, and see what happens. It was a little hard starting in the past, but once running, ran fine. I do also have a 155c engine with a big valve head and an aggressive cam that could get swapped into it if I keep it.

Scooter 2: 2006 Honda Big Ruckus. This was my unicorn, and I bought it shortly before I gave up riding, so hadn't put a ton of miles on it. Prior owner rode it a lot, though, so it has over 40K miles. The water cooled Honda scooters are known for running forever. Need to find out if the battery is dead, and if so, snag a replacement. Same as with the Buddy, I think I'll pump the old gas out, check/change oil, and see what happens. One concern I have with it is it does use a fuel pump instead of gravity feed, so it could be gummed up and need replacement.

Scooter 3: unpictured - 1989 Honda Elite E - my race bike with a 250cc water cooled swap. It is still stashed in the back of the garage for now. I'm tempted to get it running, fix a couple things on the engine, then sell off the engine, or part it out (has a nice clutch and variator that might go for more than the engine alone). Tempted to keep the chassis for now, as I'd love to do an electric conversion on it, and these are very lightweight, so would be a good ride to put on a hitch carrier and use as a runabout when I'm camping or at the race track. This is way lower priority than dealing with the other two, though.
Picked up a siphon pump this morning, so I can drain the gas this weekend, and maybe get a bit more work done. It'll be nice to have a different project to work on when I don't feel like dealing with the S10.