It's been some time due to health (2 minor surgeries) and work. But am hopefully back in action. I have everything needed to start assembly other than brake lines and aero/body (oh and a working left arm since shoulder surgery).
- Dash, wiring and steering complete. All buttons on column or center console box. All wiring sorted out in living room with trolling motor battery.
- Clutch by wire made and will be on brake handle, using gm tps. Launch is programed as brake and both shifters. Button for line lock or clutch not yet figured out. Worried--HTG tuning went tits up and no longer supporting their gearbox controller. So, I need to be careful not to mess with closed loop unless i am sure I will revert back to open loop when feels driveable and not "perfect." I cannot afford another controller, so if this fails, a TKX would be cheaper, and allow for my initial vision of a rear mount turbo, given room for a 3" exhaust. No room with 8hp70.
- Everything steel has been thoroughly oshpo'd and washed. Now to final sand by section, apply epoxy primer and get on with messing with alu sheet and fiberglass/carbon stuff. I think I can trim off about 3lbs after everything sorted out. Extended frame is 18lbs heavier, front subframe is 9lbs heavier, and rear is 8lbs heavier. Add turbo, huge ass transmission, intercoolers, pumps etc.. and we're looking at a 2000-2200lb exocet.. Goal is 2000 with 400lbs downforce at 72 mph. 72 is just what some online calculator said when I was in phys/rehad after accident when I thought this whole thing up.
- Sorted out beefier front shocks that are close, but not quite the as high of rebound damping as the Custom Gaz. I dropped spring rate a bit, but will wait until corner weighing and moving stuff around before determining if not responsive enough.
- Front swaybar, radiator, oil coolers, an front wing/bumper mount sorted out. It's removable and adjustable 3" up/down/for/aft, with 1" up travel if hit curb and 0 down. Front impact, after holes drilled roughly calculates at 4-7K LB 0 +/- 18deg, not counting 24-36" of 1/4" alu front wing mount.. Wing mount upt to 12K Lb 90 degrees down with 1/2"bolts. Obviously the alu wing mounts will crush first. The steel connecting rods and mount will be a point in future to lighten up. As I doubt 90 lbs of coolers, fans, radiator, swaybar, and eventually front wing will require mounting more robust than the engine trans or rear dif.