Update: Still no engine, but I've been keeping busy doing much less important things.

I really didn't love the wheels that came with the car, especially since they needed hub centric rings to fit, so I picked up a set of B6 A4 5 spokes. The tires hold air better than the gold wheels, and they were crazy cheap. But woof, they're rough.

Originally, I was just going to use these as rollers, but the look is kinda growing on me, and less money spent on new wheels means more money towards the engine. I'd never refinished wheels before, and I figured this was as good a time as any to learn. It's not like they could get any worse, right?

First, the prep. This is after 3 rounds of sanding (red scotchbrite, 200, then 400 grit) and a wash with soap and water, followed by a once-over with acetone. Next, filler.
I've only worked with bondo a handful of times, and it's probably been 10 years since the last time, so it went about as well as you'd expect.

I made a mess spreading the initial layers on. My spreaders would have been fine for body work, but were way too big for some of the smaller areas in the wheels. My autozone card made the ultimate sacrifice, but made the job much easier. The gray areas are metal reinforced Bondo, and the red are Bondo spot putty.
All 4 wheels have been filled, and I've started the initial sanding with 80 grit. No pictures yet, but it's going well.
The plan is to respray them more of an anthracite color once I'm done with the sanding. It should look nice against the pearl white paint and keep me from ordering new wheels for a while.