8/27/20 6:17 p.m.
Last weekend I was going to try to paint the wheels and get the dash lights back in. I got the harder part done:

Figured I couldn't do much with 30 year old steel wheels, tried a few cleaners. $20 worth of Plastidip later... Of course it rained near the end, that 10% chance of course, but it was almost two full cans and I decided that was enough. And they are surprisingly light, although I realize they're 14".
Pssst! Not steel! And the reason they only have 7 spokes instead of 8 is to decrease the weight. It was a priority.
Keep light wheels on Miata! Even moderately heavy wheels make them ride like crap in my experience. Looking good!
8/28/20 6:53 a.m.
Keith Tanner said:
Pssst! Not steel!
Ah, another reason not so heavy. 
9/7/20 7:31 a.m.
Last night I was craving a milk shake, and the local dairy freeze place was still open. It also gave me a chance to test the new LED headlights finally. They did really well, the high beams work well on my unlit street bordered by trees either side.
I bought that Spec Miata exhaust from Woody, but after 10 days it's moved from CT to NJ. At this rate the guy carrying it on his back will hit southern OH by spring, and wae can help me (ie do 99.9%) get it installed...
9/15/20 6:41 a.m.

Either my exhaust finally showed up, or SWMBO ordered something weird on Amazon. I'll unwrap it tonight and see.......
9/15/20 8:44 a.m.
In reply to Jerry :
That's either an exhaust or there is more bravery in your house than I've ever seen.
wae said:
In reply to Jerry :
That's either an exhaust or there is more bravery in your house than I've ever seen.
Something something Bad Dragon something something. Probably don't Google that if you don't already know who they are.
9/16/20 8:06 a.m.
In reply to accordionfolder :
I'm at work so I think I'll pass, just in case.
@wae has volunteered to get this into/onto/under the Miata this weekend. "How hard could it be?"
9/21/20 6:54 a.m.

Not terribly hard, apparently. We skipped the cherry bomb for simplicity, and there was a significant kink in the curve of the pipe going into the muffler, so we cut it right at the old muffler and welded it there. GRM'd the hanger that was slightly too short by combining two hangers w/ a bolt since the new exhaust only used 2 of 3.
Actually you can see the bend in the photo above. We're thinking it happened in shipping. But it went in in a few hours, spent $3 on a gasket and about $20 on lunch. Not bad for a Spec Miata exhaust now.
10/1/20 9:12 p.m.

Added a simple spoiler from Amazon. Two strips of included 3M sticky tape should do it, pretty lightweight. If I have to, I can use rivets on the backside. So much downforce and HPs.
10/2/20 10:03 a.m.
I guess I missed this thread early on... great buy! Clean NAs are getting very rare at that price point.
10/5/20 6:56 a.m.

I read through all the suggestions on the thread about CAI's, and then completely ignored them. Racing Beat model puts the filter right behind the opening on the headlight cover. A friend came over to help when I chickened out, and as I expected it ended up being fairly quick/simple. The hardest part for me was figuring out how the plug on the side of the air meter came undone. I really didn't want to force/break 30yr old plugs.
Even with the LED headlights, CAI, spoiler, muffler, style bar, I think I'm still at or under $2k. Might have to make a trip next year.
10/7/20 6:59 a.m.

I almost forgot, someone local offered 3D printed center caps for daisies. When I decided to just keep what I had and 'dip them, I contacted him. Took awhile to get a reply but we met up a few weeks ago in Springfield. Then some random lady came over talking about the NC she just sold. (You can see them in the spoiler photo above.)
10/30/20 2:41 p.m.

Sorry for the giant photo, thanks cellphone and lack of resizing. But had a little fun on the way to work Wednesday.
11/10/20 6:52 a.m.

Had to take it for a drive with the top down Sunday, 80F in November? Yup. I was using Google maps to come home and driving through a rural part of Miamisburg it said to turn right, but I thought it was a store entrance. At the last second I realized that was the road, at about 45mph. Figured what the hell? Dropped from 4th to 2nd, and cut the wheel. Tires chirped on the downshift then again on the turn, why didn't I buy one of these years ago?
New Reader
11/10/20 10:43 a.m.
Awesome score for $1250! Miata prices are definitely not what they once were. Welcome to the chaos.
In reply to Jerry :
I really like what you've done with the daisies. What color/color code Plasti-Dip did you use? I'm thinking of masking the lip and area between the spokes, though. I'd be interested in getting s set of those 3D printed caps. Can you PM me that person's contact info or share on this thread? I live in NW Columbus and could get to Springfield in less than an hour. Thanks.
1/3/21 3:17 p.m.

Haven't done anything recently other than drive it once a week or so. All season tires mean it can at least handle the cold, the heater is quite nice.
I haven't painted a Hot Wheel since the late 70s but finally had time to paint my extra yellow one.
And sorry @rustbeltsherpa, I didn't see your post till now. I'll find his contact info.
3/1/21 8:21 a.m.

I had to put my second cat to sleep Saturday evening. Sunday I needed to get out of the house, 60F called for a drive. Light weight plus cheap tires equals lots of tire squeal and sliding on back roads. Very cathartic.
Glad your enjoying it. Sorry to hear about your cat. I always dread that day.
3/24/21 8:00 a.m.

SCCA autocross test and tune next month, time to get out of the house this year. Vinyl cutter equals race car vinyl.
Star Wars font for the letters, Red 5 will be standing by April 17.
3/31/21 6:51 a.m.

Not perfect, but used some vinyl to make a black banner with red text. Something to frustrate me on a cold Sunday in the garage.
4/1/21 8:19 a.m.
In reply to accordionfolder :
Thanks. I have every intention of the Challenge this year. (If I keep saying that, it'll happen, right?)