Not much has happened to this one. I've been way too busy keeping our Volvo 240 from suiciding during it's active duty. With the transmission blown in the Camaro, I have to do whatever it takes to keep that car going down the road!
While I save my pennies I've been working on finally finishing the underbody. I may have finished the floors, but I was still missing my frame extensions. Big yikes...

So I got to work making new ones.

That'll work

With that in place, I can finally weld in my subframe connectors! It's not pretty, but it's functional.

I thought the other side was going to be more difficult with the brake and fuel lines in the way, but upon further inspection, it should be even easier than the other side. I should have more clean existing metal to work with, and I might even be able to avoid pulling the carpet. We'll see. I'm taking a break from body work for a little while.

One mini project I took on to boost my motivation was the center caps. I can't stand misbranded and/or replica center caps. I don't know why. This happens to be both. I don't have a fake Corvette or even a real one!

So I found some knock-off SS caps....

scuffed, primed, painted...

and convinced my fiance to design a vinyl sticker for me.

I love it! They're perfect for my modernized wannabe GN

Stay tuned. My garage heater fan quit, so I'm getting a new one to hard wire. This prompted me to start looking at how mine was wired in the first place. Not good.

Once I get all this up to code with 10-3 and a new heater, I'm going to continue putting off the other subframe connector. I don't want to wait to install my new goodies.

LS6 springs and 1.9:1 aluminum roller rockers are a fairly mild valve train upgrade, but eliminating my valve float should really wake this puppy up! ...whenever I get a trans. lol