6/13/16 11:08 a.m.
In reply to jfryjfry:
Ya. I hear ya, something is definitely not right in there. But I've already done two events under these conditions with no ill-effects and have another scheduled for this weekend. I won't have time to do any fixes before then and am hunting for a replacement anyway. If it grenades, I won't be too upset.
6/14/16 7:10 p.m.
Well, in my short little test run, these $100 "traction bars" have done more for my traction than new tires and new bilsteins combined! I'm pumped!

6/20/16 9:33 a.m.
Another great day of rallycrossing! The welded diff still hasn't given up the ghost, and as you can see both tires are still slingin dirt. I won MR and finished 12th overall out of 28, which is the highest I've finished in the overall pack to date. Those traction bars have really helped to smoothen out the violence that used to happen under hard dirt acceleration. It just keeps getting more fun!

This photo was taken with the bird for a specific friend. Unfortunately, I didn't take one that was any more politically correct.

my need for an i-beam ranger goes up everytime i check on this thread
6/30/16 7:37 a.m.
Corner working or tailgate partying? How about both! :)

Also cut up a miata valve cover for adjustable cam gears.

6/30/16 7:52 a.m.
how'd I miss this thread until now?! now I know what I"m doing over lunch.
7/15/16 6:43 p.m.
Finally got the UUC sway bars in. I broke an end link in the process and had to wait for a new one to arrive to finish it up. Bilstein Sports, H&R Race springs, and big sways. I've got an autocross tomorrow, hoping the FL summer rains take a day off!

7/25/16 6:08 p.m.
Another successful rallycross weekend without the diff blowing up. The events at the FIRM always leave me longing for more power in the truck because of its longer straights than St Lucie. It's got me more seriously considering a 5.0 swap. Here's a few photos from the event. I feel like there were several better photo opportunities to catch some nice slides or even air. But I'll take what they give me! I got in 9 runs of almost 4 minutes each!

8/11/16 9:40 a.m.
So, I'm picturing this thing with all-terrains bolted on for a rallyx...and then tearing it's guts out to transplant in the Ranger! I'm hoping to bring it home tonight.

8/11/16 9:46 a.m.
Or maybe my $2k challenge entry plans just changed.
8/11/16 9:05 p.m.
$1200 later, I have a decent 302 and manual trans for the Ranger! The seller was about an hour and a half south in an area called Lehigh. He was way deep into a very "country" area that was highlighted by sweet 4 wheeler trails all over the place. It looked like they extended for miles and miles in all directions, running beside many of the roads in the area. The shell is much rougher than it looks in photos but the engine and trans felt pretty healthy. The oil looked oily, no obvious leaks, no transmission grinds, and a decent set of wheels all convinced me to close the deal. The seller even had a "Mustang GT" tattoo, which means he really knows his E36 M3 about these cars ;)

8/28/16 6:52 p.m.
Another successful rallycross in the books! There was a brand new Focus RS there and also a new two-driver Mustang GT with me in the MR class. They are brothers and very friendly guys and it seems they'll become regular attendees. I pulled off the MR win by about 20 seconds.

These are the different phases Ive experienced with my 7.5" welded diff:
1) after install, chirped rear tires on sharper corners as would be expected.
2) tire chirping stopped and it developed a horrible jolt up through the driveshaft on sharper road turns. I jacked up the truck, spun one tire, and it took about 1/2 turn before opposite wheel would "lock" and turn with it. Stil performed well in the dirt.
3) driveshaft jolts stopped and it still seems to perform well in the dirt. Not sure what magic is going on inside that pumpkin.
Since a 5.0 swap is on the horizon, I decided to address this questionable small axle first. I ebay'd an 8.8" 3.73 factory locker axle from a 4x4 Ranger. Some guys like to use Explorer axles, but those are 2" wider than the Ranger piece and also spring and shock mounts have to be cut and welded in different positions. Theoretically this thing will bolt right in with very minimal work, hook up the brakes, and I'll be back on the road! I even gave the truck its first bath in a looong time in preparation of climbing underneath.

8/30/16 11:44 a.m.
Ordering a bunch of stuff today! Including a nice hydraulic clutch conversion kit from Modern Driveline since the Mustang T5 uses a mechanical clutch cable, while the Ranger has a hydraulic system.
The rally truck deserves its own thread. I've been debating getting a Mustang for rallycross duties, but the Ranger has me starting to second guess that idea.
hey, your truck made a short cameo in a pretty sweet promo video that The Firm put together! its about 1:00 into the video.
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/TheFirmRallyPro/videos/1379397555423251/&show_text=0&width=560">
super jealous you guys get such a cool venue...looks like an insanely good time.
9/1/16 12:32 p.m.
Sweet! The FIRM really is an awesome venue. Their events aren't super cheap but the seat time and varied terrain make them great events. Worth the cost of admission!
9/2/16 2:56 p.m.
Welded diff before

Welded diff after.

I'm not sure how it never left me stranded! Plenty of metal bits floating around in the oil.
Lots of swap parts rolling in!

I want to see this thing with big flared fiberglass pre-runner fenders and a V8 so bad. It looks like such a blast.
Yeah that diff was a time bomb. What the plan for the next one? Stock LSD or spool? For your application, the typical lunchbox locker would work. I'd put one in the Motovan but the snow manners would probably cause me trouble.
9/3/16 11:48 a.m.
Petrolburner wrote:
Yeah that diff was a time bomb. What the plan for the next one? Stock LSD or spool? For your application, the typical lunchbox locker would work. I'd put one in the Motovan but the snow manners would probably cause me trouble.
I picked up a larger 8.8" diff with a factory LSD. It's from a Ranger, so direct bolt-in but it's got slightly smaller axles than an Explorer unit. I hope it's up to the task!
9/5/16 2:50 p.m.
Got my fiance involved to paint the cover on the new 8.8 and dealt with some more berkeleying drum brakes. The axle is quiet and slings 2 nice rooster tails. We're ready to start focusing on the v8. But first there's a FIRM rallycross this weekend and another SCCA event before the end of the month. Swap activity will probably start after those.

hey, I sent you a PM but not sure if you got it. I just wanted to see what all you have done to the suspension? any plans for more upgrades? would you have done anything suspension-wise differently?