Victory! Went and checked it out and needs a few minor things, hood latch needs two people, louuud exhaust and the dash lights half work. Bought it and just finished the hour drive home with no plates and I was a nervous wreck the whole ride home. More pics and further investigating tommorow 
10/28/22 7:39 p.m.
In reply to Angryranger :
So few thing after checking it out today. Has an 8.8 open with 4.10 gears, actually has the 3.0 v6(I really need to ask more questions when buying stuff) Need to do some light rust work as per every New England truck and am gonna try to make my own center console cover as the one in there has seen its fair share of elbows
Did some small things today. Cleaned the mouse nest in the airbox, also took out a "tornado" hp booster. Re wired a speaker that was hanging loose and cleaned up all the extra wires from old auxiliary lights. So it has a cat delete and just a muffler that doesn't do much, any one have a suggestion for a quieter muffler?
In reply to Angryranger :
If you're ever in Southern Massachusetts, there is a junk yard in Carver that has a TON of old Explorers, we just pulled a disk brake limited slip rear out of one for the Nova.
Ferreira's Used Cars & Parts 30 West St, Carver, MA 02330
In reply to MuSTANK :
Might have to check that out one weekend, always trying to find junkyards around New England
10/30/22 1:38 p.m.
Angryranger said:
So it has a cat delete and just a muffler that doesn't do much, any one have a suggestion for a quieter muffler?
A generic turbo muffler should do the job while still sounding "fun". Although I'd be lying if I didn't say that I try and put Hooker AeroChambers on everything I can. (or I did. not sure if they still make them.) If the turbo muffler is too drony, put a glasspack before it as that can absorb some of the more obnoxious noises from the system
In reply to Mr_Asa :
I think that's what I'm gonna try, my local parts store that I can get a discount in has thrush turbos for cheap.
Maybe I'm just searching the wrong thing but I cannot find floor pan replacements for this, only for the first gens. Guess I will have to try and make my own. So what thickness steel would be best for a floor pan?
Got it registered and got my plates, driving it around and noticed the steering whines at full lock, will have to investigate
In reply to Angryranger :
It's a ford ranger, I think the whining at lock was a sales feature when new.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
That's what I hear, first time in 4 rangers I've heard it tho
Angryranger said:
In reply to 1SlowVW :
That's what I hear, first time in 4 rangers I've heard it tho
The others must have been broken.
Angryranger said:
In reply to 1SlowVW :
That's what I hear, first time in 4 rangers I've heard it tho
The PS in my 96 whines at full lock too. Maybe the pump changed on the Duratec Rangers?
In reply to jmabarone :
They must have, most compaints seem to be the 3.0 and 4.0. Duratec seems to be quietest
Out with the old in with the new, as they say. Kinda fixed the noise but still a leak, pretty sure it's this bunged up 2-1 collecter, ugh

Just crawled underneath and sprayed soapy water on all connections while running and didn't find anything, maybe it's just louder than I thought hmm. Hopefully I can find a 3 inch tailpipe to finish it off
In reply to Angryranger :
If you are looking for cheap mandrel bends for exhaust walker 45431 is the ticket. It's an oe replacement part but it's mandrel bent from walker and gives you 4 or 5 good bends to fab exhaust with.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
That does look decent , I was gonna dump it out before the wheel but if could send it out past that might be better, never tried making a v6 sound good before
Not gonna win any awards but I'm pleased with it, no leaks but i probably should put a hanger on it

About to bite the bullet and order a floor pan for a square style ranger, seems with a little metal massaging it can fit. For as popular as these trucks are repair panels are few and far between
Okay little update and no pictures as per usual I forget. Floor pan ordered and on its way. Mechanic approved the exhaust just need to turn down the tip, he also noted I need tie rod ends but luckily they were included in the bed box. And now it's failure time, went to dump, pressed the parking brake and SNAP, ugh cable broke. Hopefully I remembered enough from tech class about drums so I can repair, it broke at the rear left, at least it's cheap. My temporary inspection ran out so off the road for a week or two while I work on it. Planning a power steering flush as it's getting louder, change plugs, oil change and some other basic maintenance.
Okay looking for help, all I did was replace the broken cable ( rear drivers side) and now my cable is saggy McGee. Did I mess something up? Rangers have no adjustment so maybe my cables stretched when it snapped.

In reply to Angryranger :
Think I figured it out, missing a spring that's supposed to hold tension where the cable splits into two