So... For Michael and any other crazies out there that might be considering something like this... here is what my cooling system consists of.... its very similar to what i ran very successfully for ~ 3years, but now even more simple and now effective after shifting the cylinder head steam lines to the water pump's hot side..

RED - cylinder head steam lines (1/4" heater hose):
OE-type hard lines that tie the heads together, one on the front end, one on the rear.
"T" at the rear high point with a 1/4" NPT bleed valve, coming off the rear steam line.
"T" at the front to tie the front and rear together.
3/8" NPT to hose barb to tie line into hot side of water pump.
1/2" NPT plug for cold side of water pump.
OE-type corvette style pump.
heater hose bungs removed - crush them in a vice and pound an awl/screwdriver between the housing and mangled bung, twist and remove. Drill and tap for NPT.
160deg stat
BLUE - coolant return from radiator:
1.25" silicone hose. sleeved in 1.5" PVC segments to prevent hose collapse and protection in the frame rails
water pump straight out fitting and silicone elbow/reducer
ORANGE - coolant discharge to radiator:
1.25" silicone hose. sleeved in 1.5" PVC segments to prevent hose collapse and protection in the frame rails

BLUE - coolant return from radiator:
bung is located on bottom corner of radiator
ORANGE - coolant discharge to radiator:
bung is located in the upper corner, opposite side of radiator
be cool universal fit, appx 26" X 16"
OE corvette dual electric fans
radiator cap housing plugged with squeeze plug
threaded bung, beleive its 3/4" NPT to pressurized expansion tank (systems high point) with ~20lb cap