So I had to get the miata off the lift tonight. I brought the 911 back from the shop, where it got boost leak checked and fixed but it threw misfire codes at max boost. So I need it on the lift to finally get the spark plugs/coil packs done.
Normally not a problem but it's supposed to snow tomorrow, so that means neither of these cars will be able to move tomorrow. Not only that but that totally rains on my parade with the miata as I was hoping to take it through smog testing tomorrow. Oh well, guess I'll wake up and see what the weather's like and just get ready.
So I did an oil change. OMG is that oil filter the biggest PITA to get to! WTF were the Mazda guys thinking when they buried that dinky little thing underneath the intake manifold?! My hands are way to big to get at it from above, so below is the only way. Then whoever put the last one on must've gorilla'd it on cause it was moving for nothing. All my strap oil filter wrenches were too big because Ze Germans, zay use much bigger oil filters, ya?
Luckily I had a Griots Garage oil filter huge pincer wrench remover thingy. That worked. Not easily tho. Finally got it off and put the new one on hand tight. Hopefully it plays nicer with me when its time for take it off. Lift FTW btw!

The exhaust tape job actually doesn't look all that bad... It did help with the exhaust leak but I can still hear it. So a new exhaust definitely needs to happen.

Then it was oil the air filter, pop it back on and off the lift. I decided to drive it around a bit and see if replacing the coolant temp sensor brought the gauge back to life plus I wanted to get some fresh 91 to put in after I pump out the old stuff tomorrow am.
Happy to say that yes, the sensor fixed it but man, that gauge barely came up. It basically sat on the "C". It was maybe 40 out but still. I did hear the cooling fans come on low speed, so they work. Pop up headlights work. Headrest speakers work but the headunit is trash.
Got gas and put it away. I'll jumper the fuel pump tomorrow am and pump out the old fuel, have 3/8's of a tank. Put in the fresh 91 and wait for the weather to clear to take it through smog. Can't this weekend, working at the base. Can't next weekend, taking my son skiing. So if not tomorrow, then 2 weeks...
Oh added the Miata to my Hagerty policy. $10,000 worth of stated value coverage for a whopping $21 a year! Woohoo!