Shake Out Autocross Event Report – WAI at Miller, Milwaukee Overall Results – Mixed. The car was pretty damn good. I was not so much.
I arrived just as the clouds were parting and the course was starting to dry out. Miller is a large parking lot with light poles & 15 year old blacktop. It is a good venue (it has rest rooms). The geometry causes some restrictions on the layouts and this time about 20% of the race surface was unavailable because Ford had rented the adjacent lot.
We had to grid on the course. This made for a very tight course with about 4 curves at 120 degrees or more and two would be considered hair pins. One hair pin was so tight one of the B-Mod cars did not have the turning radius to make it properly (cones flying everywhere all morning – quite entertaining).
The data logger says my max speed was about 49 mph with most of the time on course spent between 25 mph and 40 mph. Not a fast course in cold slightly wet conditions. One area never dryed out because of water seeping up through cracks in the pavement (a river runs through it). -- Open the image below in a new tab and you should be able to read it. It shows % time spent at speed. 
I have to power brake on launch to significantly break the back free (not that wheel spin makes for a good launch. I have been taught that you really want only about ½ turn. Static friction is higher than dynamic friction.)
However, once the engine is at 2000 RPM Mistress appears to be friction limited through the much of first gear (on this surface and in a straight line).
Redline in first is about 43 mph on these tires at 5700 RPM. That is a pretty good improvement. In stock mode this car was first gear friction limited up to about 10 mph with the Tru-Trac differential and sticky tires.
After the cam/roller rocker mod last year that went up to about 20 mph (when the torque converter speed caught up with the engine). Prior longitudinal Gs on acceleration in First Gear historically were about 0.5G.
I can still see the tenths of a second ticking away whenever I am on the gas in second. Prior longitudinal Gs on acceleration in Second Gear historically were about 0.3G to 0.35G. Now they were just over a little better. Analysis – Power is up significantly. The car is a kick to drive. First gear has all it really needs for this sport and these tires. Second gear is improved but not where I want to be yet.
Unlike this course, much more time is spent in second than first on most courses (2nd redlines just above 80 mph so I really don’t care about 3rd). I need to consider finally changing the rear gearing.
This was not allowed in Street Touring but CAM is a free for all. This diff has a 3.27 ratio. I need to look into going with a 3.55 or 3.73. It is a fairly inexpensive modification. More analysis required – That might turn into another article.
Handling – Braking is still a little weak. My Hawk HPS pads are getting a bit worn. I believe I will try the new Hawk Street-Race pads when they wear out a little more. Looking at the friction curves on Tire-Rack they have about the same cold friction as the HPS but peak higher and hotter.
The new cam last year lowered vacuum pressure making the power assist less effective. I have been looking at a vacuum pump and/or bigger brakes but more/better pads may serve just as well at this point until I go with fatter tires. I have to think about that though – in 2013 I bent both front caliper brackets.
I discovered this when I took the brakes apart and found the pads wearing at a cockeyed angle. The calipers were no longer aligned with the rotors. Sticker pads on the same stock brakes might easily do it again. More analysis required – That might turn into another article.
On this cold surface peak cornering was about 0.8G to 0.9+G. When conditions are right it can range into the 1.2 to 1.3 range. Fatter tires would help. A new “K” member would help (see article above about the front geometry and lifting tires). One or both are on the docket for next year if the $$ holds out. In autocross mode I run this car with about -2.5 degrees camber.
The Bridgestones on front typically have about 42 psi (more or less depending on conditions) and the backs at about 30 to 32 psi. I started with 40 psi in the front because of the cold and damp but by the third run temperature readings (infrared) indicated more psi needed.
I ended up at 44 psi to get temperatures to even out which surprised me a little. The back tires were happy (within a few degrees) at 32 psi. It is hard to get any heat into the rear tires when it is cold. No one was spraying tires out there that I saw. Analysis – As expected with no significant difference from last season. Left front tire was running a little hot on the outside.
Also the steering wheel is not perfectly straight for some reason. Note to self - I need to check the camber and toe in. (That might turn into another article?) -- Open the image below in a new tab and hopefully you can read it. 
Driver – Egad what a mess. This was a slow, technical course. The event was named “Shake Out the Cobwebs” (or something like that). I think it served its purpose and we all had a blast with it (except, perhaps, that B-Mod car).
My first three runs showed steady improvement cutting 4 seconds from my first run. However, I spoiled all of them by wobbling a cone over somewhere. Looking at the videos I thinking I was cutting in too tight on one or more of the hairpins and hitting them with the back tires.
We had eight runs total and I could never get things lined up well. Dumb mistakes, shift timing poor, off line, late braking, too much braking, DNF. About all I can say is at least I did not get lost. Best run was the last run by only a tenth or two over the third run.
Analysis – Out of 84 cars I finished in PAX at 66. That is about 80th percentile. Usually finish at 50% to 70% so this was not a good day.
Last in Cam and there was a Fox Body GT I should have beat. First in Cam was just over 5 seconds faster (Black GMC Sonoma truck with a LS6, great suspension and a driver that knew how to use them).
Thinking about the EVO School down in Illinois in July… Fix the slow analog thing in the car. Link to video of last run is below for your pleasure. How many mistakes can you pick out? Run 8 - WAI at Miller Stadium May 2017