Hey everyone, kind of wanted to document this here as its an exciting purchase for me. Being a car enthusiast, and more specifically, very into Japanese cars, its always been a dream of mine to import a vehicle of my own from Japan. There are a lot of higher ticket vehicles I would like to import from Japan, but this particular vehicle I decided would be a great stepping stone into the world of JDM vehicles and importation.
I have always wanted a truck for my general hauling needs, but I really do not like the trucks available to us in the American market. I just don't like how big and bulky they are, how heavy they are, and they aesthetically don't appeal to me. So enter the world of JDM kei trucks. Absolutely amazing in my eyes. Small, lightweight, extremely unsafe, incredibly slow, but fun to drive (so I've heard). I've been saving up for one for a couple years now, and just this week won the auction for a 1996 Subaru Sambar.
My wife has a Nissan Xterra I use for my very infrequent towing needs, so all I really wanted a truck for is general hauling and just to introduce me to the process of JDM vehicle importing, as well as have a unique and fun to drive truck. I have always loved little kei vehicles...and small cars in general. I'm not going to go crazy with this truck, but I do have a couple small mods I'd like to do to it when I get it here in the states. Anyway, just want to document this here, maybe it will pique the interest of someone else looking into a kei truck or just a JDM vehicle in general.
Now, for some pics. The only pics I have so far are from the auction. Its decently clean, but of course in Japan they are work trucks so it isn't exactly pristine...but decent enough for the price I paid: