Over the past week or so I've been feverishly working away.
Got the intercooler ducts painted and installed:

Replaced my awkwardly bent upper radiator hose with a cut down silicone Rx7 hose, and used a coupler T-bolts that I scored since the eBay vendor sent me 20 that were the incorrect size lol

Took delivery of the lot of OEM coolant/oil hoses, and replaced the turbo coolant hoses and oil return hose, all of which were either dry as hell or rock hard. I used DEI heat sheathing on the coolant hoses due to their close proximity to the turbo/heat hoping to prolong life.

Had some oil seepage from the return which sparked the motivation for replacement. Need to recheck this week to check for clamp tightness (Personal note)

With that all sorted, I was able to get the car fired up, all seems good. The catch can on the PCV-intake plenum connection was causing a pretty large vac leak ($15 catch can isn't air tight, who knew
) So I removed it, still seem to have a slight vac leak but try as I might I wasn't able to find it. (pulling 15-16in I'm told healthy f2t is somewhere around 17-19in) But it run's well aside from a slight pop at idle. Still need to swap in some fresh plugs and possibly wires since the ones I have on there are a bit old at this point.
After start up and filling the new steering rack with fluid, I was still noticing some clunking/poping in the steering
This was the whole reason I put a new rack into it in the first place (shame on me) I was able to narrow it down to the two universal joints that connect the column to the rack, one had some side to side play the other was very loose. These parts are obsolete from ford and mazda, however I had hung onto some spares from a parts car fortunately and they were nice and tight. Steering feels fantastic now 
One of the old worn units:

Took a couple quick drives around the block to shake the cobwebs and spiders out, runs great, clutch is nice and smooth and trans seems to shift ALOT smoother with the Syncromax compared to the only pennzoil synromesh I had been using. My wideband definitely needs to be recalibrate and I hit fuel cut a few times on accident (still no chipped ECU installed) I'm going to revert the boost control back to the factory controller (8psi) for the time being and the first autox event.
Car is super quiet now with the airbox in place and plumback bpv, the exhaust note is bit smoother and lower now which is nice!
Took it down to my friends shop where we got it aligned and swapped a set of leftover re71r's onto my new wheels. Tried a bit of toe out in the front and static camber set at -1.5 all around to start. With everything evened out and the new front sway bar, the steering feel is incredible, very responsive, you can feel the bar controlling the front end and the steering wheel snaps right back. Feels like a whole new car.

Few little bugs to work out, but overall super happy.