It was an interesting day with Queso. First and foremost, I discovered that what I'm working with is an HiF38, not a 44. In learning that, I also found that following what the PO did was, again, the wrong decision. The carb is now set up like this.

Bowl vent extended down past the clutch case, efficiency circuit(?) capped on both ends, breather, fuel in and vac advance. At this point, it started up significantly easier than it ever had, choke working as expected and it idles pretty smooth. The gas spitting out of the carb while increasing revs is significantly less but it still won't take any load. The needle is an ADP which, as best I can tell, is at least close to the right thing.
I ran out to the parts store to grab a timing light, no more borrowing! Turns out, timing was WAY off. Like, 20-22 degrees. No idea how that happened. I know that the tech at my friend's shop messed with the timing after I had initially set it but man, I don't think he would have put it there. Rotating the distributor to bring it back made the car want to die but I was able to keep it running with increased idle speed. Still doesn't want to rev.
At this point, a friend suggested that maybe the mechanical advance was jammed. Unhappy about it, I pulled the Pertronix out and took a look. I guess I'm not entirely sure how much it's suppose to expand but it seems OK to me. With the rotor on, I can open it a bit more than this pic shows.

My path forward from here, I think, is getting to another baseline. Now timing is known and set (12-14). I'll reset the jet on the carb, set valves again, try to better clamp the exhaust and see where that gets me. I had been starting with 4 turns down from the bridge because I've been under the assumption that it's running out of fuel but maybe I'll start with 2 and see where that lands me.
Thoughts of what could be going on.
- There's valve noise on #4. Maybe something is off enough that valve(s) aren't opening/closing all the way. It could run OK at lower RPMs but then wouldn't have the flow to increase revs?
- When I was removing the pushrods, one of the lifters on 3 and one of the lifters on 4 came out of their seats. I put them back in and everything seems right but... maybe it's not?
- Maybe the float is set so poorly that the bowl fills up enough to idle but then it's starved when trying to increase revs?
- But why would it be spitting fuel out too?
- It's a carb that likes to be mounted with 4 bolts, it's mounted with 2. Maybe there's just an unreasonable vacuum leak?
- But why would it be able to idle nicely?
- There's a definite exhaust leak between the manifold and the downpipe. Can't help the situation.
- Something with the distributor/Pertronix.