Stop me if you've heard this one before, but just when I thought my season was over, I found a way to expand it another week. I came home from Charlotte thinking about another trip south, making my maiden voyage to Carolina Motorsports Park. A friend of mine went to the Time Trials National Tour there a year or two back and gave the track high marks, though he said it's too far from home to consider going back. No stranger to long hauls, I signed up.
The only problem with sneaking in one more track day was that I was out of brakes. I got to the point with the pile of used pads I got from a friend where I wasn't confident I could get through another day before they got down to the rivets, and I was concerned about how much more the pistons could go before risking the seals and stuff. Tried getting new Carbotechs from Stranoparts, but he doesn't carry that brand. He did carry GLoc and I opted for their R10 front and R8 rear (same temperature range as the Carbotechs I'd been using), and in true Strano fashion I had them in a day and a half.

Cashed in hotel points so I could go a good chunk of the ride down the day before, and that made the ride pretty painless. I rolled into the track stupid early as always and got the lay of the land. I watched a lot of video and found the track in Assetto Corsa for learning, so I was in decent shape. Tagging along for a couple of laps with the novices' paced session showed me I wasn't going to get lost.

The first session was started tentatively, both because I needed to work up to speed at a place I hadn't been to before and because I couldn't really bed the new pads in right beforehand. But the brakes felt good and traffic was good, so I started getting faster.
CMP kinda reminds me of Pittrace in that there aren't many slowish corners and not much of elevation changes. But the slowish corners treated my car well and I could hang with the fast stuff for the most part. The kink on the backstretch was becoming my nemesis, though. All signs pointed to my being able to take that without a lift but time after time I found myself chickening out and lifting. It wasn't until my last session, and fairly late in that session, that I kept the right foot planted on the gas through the kink, which made slowing for turn 11 a very different proposition.

I got blessed by the weather gods in that the threatening skies didn't actually produce consequential rain until the very end of my third session, so I got to load up in rain rather than drive in it. The car was good, and it ran every lap of every session of every track day I went to without needing any more repairs than some fender liner trimming. It's a thoroughly entertaining car to drive and I'm already looking forward to knocking off a new track or two with it next year.

As for CMP itself, I liked it better than Pittrace or Charlotte, but that's not saying much since those two are at the bottom of my standings. If CMP were my home track, I'd have no problem going there multiple times a year. But it's eight hours from home, so not really in my there-and-back-in-one-day range (Charlotte just barely qualifies at 6 hours away). I don't have to go back. If it comes down to the end of the season next year like it was this year, and I still have a car and time to sneak one more day in before hibernation, I could easily be talked into a return trip.