I'd planned on bench bleeding the new master cylinder, then bleeding the brakes. However, during bench bleeding it started leaking out the brake switch. After a bit of research trying to locate a replacement switch I discovered this is actually a sign of a bad master cylinder - unfortunately I bought this back in December, so I doubt Rock Auto will accept it back for exchange. So I took the original Girling master, cleaned it up, and it seemed to bench bleed ok. I got installed, and tried to bleed the passenger's rear break, but couldn't find a hose that sealed to my Mity-vac well enough.
I'll try again tomorrow. I'm sure I have something out there that will work.
Probably worth checking with Rock Auto. I have had good luck with them in the past.
The Photobucket app is sucking balls tonight, so sadly no pics. However, the brakes are bled, front wheels mounted, and I pressure tested the fuel system...which is when I discovered a leak. On top of the fuel tank.
So I need to remove the rear bumper cover tomorrow and check out where it's leaking. I wanted to dig in back there anyway to replace the bad tail light bulb, get rid of the spare tire, and pull out the rear swaybar - I'd just hoped to do that after test starting it. 
In reply to Pete Gossett:
But why did you change your username?
In reply to Stampie:
Someone noted a few days ago that my profile still showed IL. I happened to think of updating it today, so while I was at it I updated my name. This was actually my username before one of the board updates, but afterward it didn't allow spaces. I figured I might as well fix it now too.
In reply to Pete Gossett:
Ok if you must ...
It's probably a clone. Where's the real Pete? Pete? PEEEEETE!?!???!
And it looks like Photobucket lost all my pics from previous posts...
So, what did we decide is the best alternative?
I got one of the fuel leaks fixed this morning, but then took a couple hours to go buy a set of wheels. I picked up a set of 18 x 10 Antera wheels for $200 of Letgo - it was my first time using it, but this transaction certainly worked out well. The wheels are in really good condition, and really bright yellow...I'm not sure yet if they'll stay that color. The seller had them on a 95 Vette, so they should require about a 2" spacer or the correct offset on my 85, but I bolted up one on the rear and they fit perfect...if I could get pics uploaded I'd show you. 
Then I got home this afternoon, and with some diagnosis help from GTX_Vette was able to get the float levels in the carb set and the last of the fuel leaks resolved. So I bolted on the rear wheels, and the car is on the ground again for the first time in 4-months. I still need to hook up an oil & vacuum gauge, pre-oil the engine, install/time the distributor, and hook up the plug wires - then another double-check of all systems & time to (hopefully) fire it up.
Attempting to link pics from Imgur...

Imgur is simplest by far, I don't know how expensive it is once you meet the small storage cap though. I wish it were easy to link from Facebook.
My proposed paint scheme could use wheels that yellow!
Holy crap, I am so annoyed with Photobucket for messing up this masterpiece. I read through 40+ pages even without photos.
QuasiMofo wrote:
Imgur is simplest by far, I don't know how expensive it is once you meet the small storage cap though.
There is no storage cap for imgur. The only limitation is the 20mb file size limit for each particular image (which is easy to stay under), but there is no limit on quantity of images or an overall limit on storage.
This is why I keep telling people to use it rather than photobucket, because photobucket stinks.
Well, the car is ready. Just need to roll it outside after lunch and gather up my fire extinguishers!
New Reader
4/9/17 2:25 p.m.
Pete Gossett wrote:
Well, the car is ready. Just need to roll it outside after lunch and gather up my fire extinguishers!
Best of luck!
Although it's all skill, right?
Sadly no luck...though no explosions/fire either, so I guess that's a good thing.
On the first try it sputtered & coughed, but wouldn't run. I tried four more times, but absolutely nothing. I thought maybe it flooded, but I pulled 1/2 the plugs and they weren't wet or fouled. I checked fuel level in the float bowels and it was just up to the weep holes, and I verified 13.3v at the distributor.
Anyone have tips for troubleshooting it? Sadly I can't really pull a plug and confirm spark working solo, and I can't think of anything else I could try.
Trade you a known good distributor for a cam 
In regards to Imgur must have had too large of photos then, I deleted some and uploaded the same three recently and they worked... 
You've done a lot so there is a lot to check. Make sure the fuel pump is working. Installing it takes a trick or some work to make sure the arm is on the cam.
Double check cam timing. Double check to make sure distributor is timed/lined up right.
Try starting fluid.
Coughing suggests you're getting spark so likely not ignition switch or something like that.
Pete remember the crank rotates 2 times every time the distributer turns once, Is it 180 out?
Do you have a timing light? It will only flash if there is a spark, or at least current going to the spark plug. The cable should be long enough so you can hold it while turning the key. You can connect the pick up to the coil wire then to each plug wire.
Thanks for the tips!
Starting fluid didn't help, which leads me to think I don't have spark. It's a new electric pump & I'm getting a steady 6psi at the carb, and the bowls are at the correct level, so unless the jets are plugged I don't think it's a fuel issue - even if it were I should have got something from the ether.
I do have a timing light, but it's old and I'm not sure I've ever used it. It also has something rattling around inside, so I'm not sure it even works. I'm going to hit Harbor Freight for a new one, and a spark tester while I'm there.
I'm confident I had #1 at TDC with both valves closed, but I'll pull the cover again to verify.
One other possibility: when I pulled the distributor cap I noticed some bare wires that had pulled out of a terminal that's screwed into the base of the distributor, so I crimped it back on & verified it didn't pull back out. I'll pull the cap & rotor and check it again too.
4/9/17 5:20 p.m.
Here is how I set initial timing after an engine rebuild.
With valve cover off to confirm that both valves are closed, set timing marks to 10 degrees BTDC.
With a the ignition in the run position, get a friend to hold a sparkplug that is plugged into the #1 plug wire.
Slowly rotate the distributor.
When your friend screams and tosses his beer at you, your ignition should be pretty close.
Or you can just watch for the spark.
New Reader
4/9/17 5:32 p.m.
It's easy to see if you have gas coming form the accel pump jets inside the bore of the carb. If it is there, it's virtually always enough to get some sputtering or running while pumping the gas pedal, even if nothing else works in the carb. And also easy to flood it...
A remote switch is pretty handy for solo trouble shooting.
This would get it done, but there are better ones of course.
In reply to NOHOME:
I didn't see any timing marks on this HEI distributor, and from reading the book, any terminal can be #1?
In reply to coexist:
I actually do have a remote start switch, but I'd either have to run it up the passenger door, or it would end up laying against the exhaust manifold.
4/9/17 7:22 p.m.
Sorry, could have been more clear.
With the distributor installed in the engine
Identify cylinder #1
Remove valve cover.
Rotate the crank until the pointer on the cam cover that points to the rimming marks on the balancer aligns with the 10 degree BTDS mark.
If both valves are closed then it is on compression and all good.
Look at where the rotor is pointing. That will be the wire that goes to #1
Paying attention to the rotation of the rotor ( CCW for GM? I dont know) install wires in the proper firing order.
Thing should fire.