Weekly update:
Ford, you make me question your sanity. Who in their right mind runs the speaker outputs for the door speakers back out the firewall, to terminate them into a connector at the core support, then run those two wires back in the inner fenders into the door? Oy vey.
Either way on with the E36 M3show!
I pulled the dash yet again. It's not a hard deal either. Few bolts here, few bolts over there, drop the column for the hidden screw, and it's out. I wanted to simplify and add that magical lightness everyone talks about frequently. In doing so, the stock wiring was going into recycle bin.

I have no idea what was lost, but it's definitely substantial.
Given I had the dash out, I went ahead and just removed everything else too. Firewall insulation, gone. Remaining cab wiring, gone. Parking brake mechanism, gone. Rear speakers and brackets, gone. The only thing left is the thin stick on nvh pads on the floor. Maybe I can start putting some new crap in soon.

Then the problems that need solutions hit. Fixed the large connector hole with a plate cleco'd in. I plan to put a large milspec connector there for the front wiring, so it will stay like that until I get to that point.

Then a bigger problem developed... I took the clutch master out. And the firewall is cracked because the master fatigues the surrounding metal, even though it's doubled in thickness. Have to do some prep, the master leaked, very slightly, and started to corrode the metal before I can zap it back together.

I also worked on the manual brake conversion plate. I hope to have a metal pattern soon to send off to a friend who can make me a billet version.

Until next time, minitrucks rule!!