New Reader
11/11/16 9:09 p.m.
My mom has been driving an R500 since it was new in 2006. She has like 185k on it now. Air suspension died once, transmission controller died once, but nothing major mechanical has failed (at least not to the magnitude of head bolts).
The 500 has plenty of power, and drives fantastic. Handles remarkably well for a 5500lb van-in-disguise.
New Reader
11/16/16 3:28 p.m.
Could be the lighting but 2,3 & 7 look whitish/steam-cleaned to me.
As I mentioned in my first post, now would be a great time to do some boroscope diagnostics with a cooling system pressure tester, cylinder leak down tester and a boroscope. Mostly I just want you to buy a Harbor Freight boroscope and try it out for cylinder scoping - so I don't have to... :)
If you can get the boroscope thru the plug hole, it would be really cool to visualize the coolant seeping into the cylinder with the cooling system pressurized up to 15-20 psi or so... Sure would confirm where the problem is - although I know that you're going to pull the motor in any case.
And after you install the NASCAR spec ARP head studs, it should be all ready for that aftermarket Blower kit - although I can't imagine what aftermarket AMG German? parts must cost... It would be above my pay grade, but I can live vicariously thru you :)
It'll be easier to boroscope the motor on the ground. 
In all seriousness, what I see on the plugs tells me the motor has to come out, so it's coming out.
New Reader
11/16/16 9:33 p.m.
Me thinks all those cams and chain drive are gonna make that motor weigh a ton - better upgrade to the $49.99 China Freight engine stand... the $39.99 Base model stand might not be enough...
Once on the stand, you should take a pic with the Harbor Freight logo showing - then send it to AMG Customer Care - and tell them you're going to post it on Instagram and Facebook if they don't cut you a killer deal on the parts and blower kit.
I'm pretty sure Mercedes is past caring about this car and won't start caring again until it's valuable enough to be shown on a lawn, not parked on one like it is now.
11/17/16 4:36 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
I'm pretty sure Mercedes is past caring about this car and won't start caring again until it's valuable enough to be shown on a lawn, not parked on one like it is now.
And if it's that valuable then they're sure that anyone who owns one is wealthy enough to pay full retail markup on any parts & labor required. :)
The pucks that let me use the lift properly with the R63 came. Now I can safely lift it in the air.
Except the rally car reveals a new layer of broken every time I get something fixed, so it probably has the lift for another week at least. Well, Thanksgiving week off for a family trip and a week of work after that. Dammit.
Glad to see progress starting!!
That's the best- when you fall into a nice groove of things being removed without any hangups, and then suddenly it's 5 hours later and you have a half-car and parts scattered as far as the eye can see. It's like Anti-ADD.
It's also equally frustrating when you spend 6 hours in the garage in vain trying to remove a seized bolt, but I guess it all averages out.
Nice to see this heap in pieces. Forgive me if it's been answered already, but you're pulling the entire engine and not trying to rebuild the head while still in the car, right?
All I want for Christmas is expensive broken head bolt gore
Yes, the whole engine/transmission/subframe is coming out in one piece. It's doubtful heads will come off before we leave for the holidays. Crossing my fingers for the valve covers so we can see which bolt let go.
Yeoman's work, Mazdeuce, glad to see you're tearing into it.
I was just wondering where you were with this. It is great to see some progress.
No much visually different but all of the topside stuff aside from the AC is free. I still need to pull the compressor and see if I can keep it all sealed. It is nice to be able to disconnect two connectors and have the entire engine wiring apart.
The cooling system on this is absurd. Radiator, condenser, power steering cooler, transmission cooler, oil cooler, and a water to oil heat exchanger to get the oil up to temperature quickly enough. Every fluid in the car circulates up front, some more than once. Things are a bit of a mess. I'm trying to catch all the drips and bag the connections, but I think I need to just put the tools away and clean tonight. I should go get some casters and wood as well. Once the suspension is apart it's time to drop it all out.
Best of luck, hope the whole process goes this smooth....
I feel like there should be a word that describes the feeling you get when you take something apart and get to know it for the first time.
When you travel and meet new people with different cultures and realize that we're all very similar, it's humanizing.
Cars that you don't know, especially complicated ones, are.......not scary exactly, not intimidating, but they have a certain dark mystery about them. And then you take them apart and work with them and fix them and they become simpler. It's really very satisfying.