Oops. That's embarrassing. My last post was just two days before GRM promoted this thread, and then I didn't post again until now almost a year later. [sheepish] Thanks GRM! I promise to do better. 
This past season was a blast. I finally put in a full season and had my best season yet. (update below). Not much with the car, except for some new light weight oem Mazda Millenia wheels. I also bought a new daily driver, a 2022 Mazda3 Turbo. (LOVE IT despite it being an automatic, and definitely not a speed). Future post about that car maybe.
Susquehanna rallycross prepared front season summary
This season, the fastest runners in Prepared Front moved to different classes or different cars so the mid pack runners including me thought we had a decent shot at some first place finishes. That was until Spiro showed up with an Escort GT and co-driver Lilly. Doesn't matter what he drives, he is always fast.
First event in April I ended up in a typical fourth place for me. For the second event, I disconnected the front sway bar and something just clicked. Ended up in second just .8 seconds away from Spiro in first. Event 3 was more of the same, another second place finish. Missed first by 3.4 seconds and had the fastest run of the day in my class. I didn't attend event 4.
Event 5 was interesting. Fellow mid-pack runner, Andy, broke his car on the parade lap. Fuel just cut out suddenly. So I offered to have him co-drive my car. I got beat in my own car, and learned some things as a passenger with Andy driving my car.
For the final event, Andy co-drove with me again. In the morning, I was fastest overall including my second run which was maybe the best I've ever driven my car. Everything was just perfect including lots of luck that bounced my way.
But the afternoon session, I just completely fell apart. The surface changed so much and I didn't adapt my driving style in response. I was a mess and ended up in 4th, but ahead of Andy. It was funny, Andy was struggling in the morning, but fantastic in the afternoon. It was the complete opposite for me. Huge realizations about how driving style and changing track surfaces interact . Was glad to see Lilly claim second place though with a nearly flawless, consistent day . She only hit one cone on a day that I hit 24! Corey also only hit 1 cone which is his typical, yet ridiculously impressive given the mess the afternoon was.
The official season results aren't out yet, but pretty sure Andy and I tied for second. The tie breaker is cones hit and I win that tie breaker, so second for the season and I couldn't be more pleased. Spiro secured first of course.
Just a couple pics from the season. More at my instagram
The aforementioned lightweight Millenia Wheels pictured with the 929 wheels I already had. Only have 2 so far. Would like 2 more.

From my messy afternoon of the last event. Bad driving makes for great pictures.