Having had a few days to cool off and think about this with a level head, here’s my initial assessment.
Goals for this project:
1. Quality time with dear brother.
2. Compete in Radwood Class at 2020 Challenge.
3. Drive it from Kansas City to the Challenge and back without major malfunction.
4. Track day car? One Lap? Time Trials? Sell to break even? TBD.
My little brother is a long-time VW nerd. He’s owned four (I think?) Mk4s since he could drive. He’s had a couple of major head traumas since high school (unrelated to the VW obsession, as far as we can tell), and I worry about him a bit. His first accident kind of shook me up, and I’ve really tried to stay more engaged with him since then. He really wants his R32 to be a track car, but with his finances being what they are and it being his daily driver, he’s pretty much resigned himself to not flogging on it.
Enter this car.
He wouldn’t bite on purchasing for himself outright; I fell on the grenade as a joint venture. I figure we’ll need to adhere to the Challenge budget to keep the monetary investment comparatively low, but this should give both of us an outlet to satisfy the track rat itch. It’s worth it for me to get to spend time wrenching with him, even if we don’t make it to the Challenge or even get the damn thing running.
Restraints on achieving goals:
Time and geography, mostly. I’m going to school in Alabama for a year and change starting in March and will have very limited time and access to tools and facilities necessary to work on a car for the duration. And then probably a nice, long vacation to a hot, sandy place where the locals aren't overly fond of Americans. Little brother is a full-time engineer, just got married a year ago, has a needy VW in his garage already, and lives 40 minutes away from where the car will be stored. We really want to have it running and (mostly) roadworthy by March so that I can easily get it inspected, titled and tagged before I leave for school. Then, the remainder of the work falls to little brother to complete. He’ll shake the car down at local autocrosses/track days this summer and drive (or tow, if we don’t make goal #3) the car to Florida for the Challenge, picking me up on the way.
Is this all realistic? Probably not.
But again, what I’ve really bought is a few long weekends with him swearing at a neglected old car before I leave for a couple years.
So, the order of business:
1. Inventory all the spare parts and start triaging into “use in the build”, “sell/trade”, and “valueless garbage”.
2. Go over the car to figure out what it is, what it isn’t, and what it needs to meet the goals.
3. Start working on it.
My wife has said “thou shalt not turn a wrench on yonder E36 M3heap until thou hast finished thy current project, under pain of evisceration with a wooden spoon” (paraphrase). Current project is a behemoth, but its real close to done. Should be able to finish (or near enough) by New Years.
Until then, the Golf waits. Patiently. Kind of, anyway.