Left my electric hacking tools at work, so today I focused on the brakes. Car has FC front end on it, and by happenstance the FB (and 1980) calipers bolt up to the FC hangers. So, years back, when I needed a caliper in an emergency, I slapped an FB caliper on the left front.
260k mile old pads from 1988 are basically granite at this point, so I bought new pads a couple years ago. Turns out that there is one more critical difference: FC calipers are about 2-2.1 inches wide inside, FB are only about 1.8-1.9. The FB caliper would not fit over the new pads.
One difference between the '81 and '84 is that the '81 has new pads all around, and its brakes are phenomenal, so today the Plan was to put in the new pads, filing down the ones going to the left front as necessary. The plan lasted exactly long enough to meet the enemy: Piston on FC caliper is seized and rusted. Hmm. Tried opening the bleeder and it just snapped off.

What would Batman do? Order new ones of course. This would also alleviate the need to file about 1/8" of pad away. New problem: None available. Can't get new calipers anywhere. I can get a left, but not a right.
Also, I am not Batman. What can Pete do?
Found two FB calipers in the stuff pile. Right front had a clean piston and the bleeder opened. Lots and lots and lots of filing later, I got it to slide over the pads. Pads have to be filed down from over .600" thick to just about .500", even with cheating by pulling the shims off a lot of material needs to come off. Outboard pad needs more removed than inboard pad, too.
On to the left side. Filed down a third pad to get the caliper to slide over. Inspected the piston, and while it does move easily when pumping the brakes, it's also rusty enough that I don't feel comfortable graunching the rust past the seal, so on to the left caliper from the pile. Its bleeder opens but the piston is seized.
At this point it was 9:30 and I was beat, so I get to rebuild a caliper at work tomorrow...