Well, today was the day to lube the driveshafts and replace the fluids in both diffs and the transfer case. Up on the lift it went, got underneath and of course none of the zerk fittings were in accessible places. Doh! Ok, lift the entire rig off the decks of the lift, go put it in neutral, then get underneath it again. Now I can rotate the driveshafts and get to the zerks. Easy.
There are 3 zerk fittings for each driveshaft. one each for the spider joints and one for the slip fitting. Here's a whole bunch of pics...

Interesting job, I've never done this before. I guess my GX470 had zerks on the driveshafts but I was unaware of them and never lubed them. Pretty easy to do, I like my lock n lube grease gun.
Next up was the diffs and transfer case. I finally figured out how to use my Motive Power fill. The drain plug on the rear diff was on super tight! Yes, I cracked free the fill plug first. They're 24mm. Removed them, inspected the gaskets and replaced them. Here's where I screwed up. Toyota uses 3 different types of gaskets between the two diffs and the t case. I couldn't really tell which ones were on the rear diff, so made an educated guess. When I removed the plugs from the t case I discovered I'd used the t case gaskets on the rear diff. Crap!

Not too much shmeg on the drain plug for the rear diff.

Filling it with the Power Fill was thankfully uneventful. It took a lot tho, over a gallon of fluid. Happy the power fill has a hook up for my air compressor...

There are two 24mm plugs for the t case. Had to remove the skid plates and the t case skid plate to get at them.

Filled it up, then went to the front diff. This one people complain about because the fill and drain plugs are 10mm allens. Once again the drain plug was on way too tight, but I got it broken free, after I'd broken free the fill plug of course.

Filled it up and torqued everything to spec. Not sure if the rear diff drain plug is weeping a bit or not. I've got a piece of cardboard down with a clean paper towel on it to see. I'm sure my OCD won't allow this to stand, even if it's not weeping. I just need a friend to come over and help with this, as I don't want to dump out a gallon of fresh and expensive fluid. So pull the plug, he puts his thumb over the hole, or pops in the fill plug, then I swap gaskets, and reinstall. Top off the diff, swap gaskets on the fill plug and be done.
If it's not weeping now, I'll do it this Friday morning. If it's weeping I'll see if I can get someone over this afternoon....
Just checked the paper towel, it's dry after sitting for 2+ hours. Think I'm good to wait till this Friday. Whew!

On another topic, I always change into garage clothes when I'm working out there. Have ruined too many pants/shirts/shoes. Well, I came in today and was horrified to see that I hadn't changed shoes! Doh! Gear oil spots all over my good sneaks! Argh! Hit them with some stain remover stuff and ran them thru the wash, looks like I got lucky....