While some of the GRM community busy themselves with trivial tasks like cutting apart Ferrari V12s, shoving Atlas I6s into Studebakers or building 1930 Datsuns from washer machines, I have chosen a harder path for the Genesis. 
You see, there was a hole in my shifter boot.

Boo, hiss, etc.
First step to fixing this was to cut the boot open along one of the seams in the hope that it would lay flat in two dimensions. It did. Good luck. I then took my specialized office stapler and affixed the original boot to a 2016 Korean Advertiser and PR Practitioner's Society memorial tote bag. I also cut off the little snap ring from the top for later use.

I then used the original boot as a pattern to make this:
Dimensionally it looked good but, in my wisdom, I didn't notice the 2016 Korean Advertiser and PR Practioner's Society Memorial tote bag also had a hole in it. Boo, hiss, etc. Time to try again.
What you see above is a 2020 Pura Dak Premium Chicken bag, given as a special collector's edition for take-out customers. I could have easily turned this inside out to hide the premium chicken logo but, after consultation with some friends, decided that it sort of looks like I'm in charge of the fried chicken branch of the Illuminati now. Obviously it had to stay.
I also realized that there was no real reason to separate the original shifter boot, which I was using as a pattern, from the new Premium Chicken boot. As such, I sewed it all together with the original inside out and facing the shifter mechanism. The thought is that hopefully doing so will act as a liner and guard for the outer layers.
The 2016 Korean Advertisers and PR Practioner's Society memorial tote bag donated its handle in order to make this nifty little seam reinforcement/concealer. Now, I just had to get the boot re-attached to the plastic base it came from. Sadly, this proved beyond the capabilities of even my deluxe office stapler and so I had to channel my deepest, most refined ghetto skills.
Yep, those are used staples. They came out of the plastic originally and were probably triple the thickness of the office staples. I straightened them with pliers and then squeezed them back into their orignal holes with more pliars.
Not perfect but plenty strong and just as tight as it had been when I pulled it out.
Sewed the snap ring back on and installed the base in the bezel.
And here it is in the car.
I'd like to thank the 2016 Korean Advertisers and PR Practitioner's Society Memorial Tote Bag and ...
2020 Pura Dak Premium Chicken bag for their brave sacrifices.