Update catch-up: 6/25/2011
Fresh ball joints!

What we have here is a brand new set of lower ball joints in the OE Porsche aluminum lower control arms. These are the steel Rennbay Competition ones. So not only did I fix the bad joints, I ensured they will stay fixed, and upgraded the car as well. Great kit by the way!
Rennbay Competition Ball Joints

After having a shop install the ball joints I had the alignment done on the 944. Final specs are: -1.8 degrees camber, 4 degrees caster, and 1/16” toe out up front with -1.0 degrees camber and 0” toe in the rear. Not the most aggressive, but I am still on the stock suspension.

Another victory! Autocross #3 for the 944 project was on 6/12. I came in 1st in Class (P02) and Audra nabbed 2nd again (over the M030 968!). Overall I got 35/66 and Audra earned 61.
I am now 3 for 3 this season, but more tellingly, my times would put me at 3 for 3 in the next class up (Improved 01)…
As for how it drives, the 944 is very balanced and predictable. The torque is very welcome (compared to my past autocross cars of a 12A RX-7 and a 1.6 Miata!) and the steering is sublime. The new ball joints and alignment helped cure the understeer and gave crisper turn-in.
I was .055 behind a 951, so I need more power now!

Steering debacle: So the story is I bought this Dino wheel at the 2010 PIR Swap Meet thinking it was for the Ferrari. Turns out it was an aftermarket wheel, but for $5 it was cool and vintage. I hung it up in my garage. Fast forward to this year and I find a Dino to 944 adapter on CL for $30, new in the box! So of course I haggle him down to $20 and bring it home.
The issue is the adapter is for the modern Dino/Momo 6-bolt pattern, and my wheel is the old school 7-bolt pattern. So I basically spent an hour disassembling everything to figure it out. What I came up with is I think I’m going to re-drill the adapter with the 7-bolt pattern, so I got some hardware. We’ll see…

Temporary seat repair...

Yeah, it’s duct tape. Sue me. It’s actually Gorilla tape, and it’s only temporary until I replace the whole seat! The Sport Seats are awesome to sit in, but those damn bolsters make it nearly impossible to climb in and out of the car, especially with a helmet on. The leather is slipperier than a politician as well, so they have to go. I’ll be replacing them with some reclineable cloth or suede sport buckets, think Recaro’s.
I also pulled 53 cents worth of nickels, dimes, and pennies from the tilt mechanism! No wonder they were shard to adjust!