Hey! Long time no see! I have no excuses, I simply lost motivation to work on this car for a long time. Fortunately, I've recently rediscovered it, so here we go!
With the front suspension done and dusted, I decided it was time to dive into the rear. Everything is coming out. I mean everything, right down to the subframe.
OK, I'll admit it. I didn't know this thing had drum parking brakes until I pulled the wheel and saw it:

My CV boots are cracking, but not cracked all the way through. So, the boots certainly need to be replaced, the question is do I replace the whole halfshafts? The CVs should be fine except for the fact that they have 200k-plus miles on them.....

Left side trailing arm and attached bits came out pretty easily. The right side, not so much. The fuel fill hose prevents one of the bolts from coming out all the way:

Old, non LSD, tall gearing, eta differential removed. It will be replaced with the shorter geared, LSD-having diff from my parts car:

Every bit of rubber on this car is, as they'd say on Wheeler Dealers "a bit perished". Every bit of it will be replaced:

The subframe is unbolted and hanging there. I need to get some lag bolts to drive into the aluminum bushings so I can then beat them out from above. You can also see the trailing-arm bolt I was talking about. I decided to leave it until the subframe is out:

So, once I get the subframe out, I'll do a few things. First, gotta get the old bushings out of it, the diff, and the trailing arms. I anticipate a combination of drilling, hammering, torching, and swearing will be necessary. I will be putting IE "street" poly bushings in their place. I also plan to clean them up and hit them with a little Rustoleum. I think I will also drop and drain the fuel tank. God only knows how old the fuel in it is, and since everything else is apart.... I already have springs, shocks, stainless brake lines, RSMs, rotors, etc. So, like the front, everything in the rear will be new.
I hope to be updating this thread more often this winter. I want this car on the road in the spring, period.