MarshHoltRacing said:
I had the exact same symptom/problem on my 2004 sequoia 2 weeks ago. Fan pulley bracket died at 210k mi. Swapped bracket, idlers, belt, wp, and the timing belt, since it was close to due, and a crank pulley and cam cover away
Yeah, nice thing about this engine is that they are timing chain and seem pretty stout. I did go with the gates kit for the accessories belt tensioner, idler and belt and I don't know.. right out of the box the tensioner pulley had more play than the continental that was on there, so we will see how that goes.
Trying my best to just do what's necessary on this thing, but the 'tism is strong.
Did some Jeep fixin yesterday, took the driver door off again and replaced some insulation that keeps the lock mechanisms from rattling against the door, doesn't seem to be rattling anymore.
Spare tire is massive, I really wasn't anticipating it to take up so much trunk space.

Also I *think* I fixed the exhaust in the cab smell. As I do I cleaned the whole interior yesterday while I was waiting for paint and whatever to dry, and that involved idling the car with the the AC / fan on full to clean the ducting with the klimafresh.
So, like I think I mentioned the spare tire well was cut out so that the fuel tank could be raised. When the PO put this metal sheet in the rear, it left a 1" gap at the very rear that was letting exhaust up into the cab and it would then swirl around from there. Like, it really stunk up your clothes, smelled like you were snowmobiling all day lol.

Built this little bracket out of aluminun, angle iron just so there was something for weatherstripping to sit on. Also gave me a little more strength in the middle of the plate.

I also spent about 45 minutes with a hose getting all the mud out from around the fuel tank, all the drain channels were plugged lol. Re-routed some of the evap delete lines. While I was there I just hosed off the rear carpet, sprinkled tide over the carpet, used my drill brush to work it in, then just hosed it off again and shop vac'd it up, worked pretty well.
Can't see light through there anymore.

While it was out I replaced the tech screws with rivenuts and bolts as well.

It idled for about 45 minutes total, part of the reason was the rear view mirror glue wants 10-25 c, 30 minute set time. The whole time for the klimafresh and the glue drying I left it idling with the windows closed and didn't get any exhaust smell in the cab. When the actual exhaust with the tailpipe comes in, that should also help and maybe just be a normal vehicle.

I also did an oil change on the tundra, changed the summer tires, and tried to get the moisture out of my rough country light bar. The stupid thing started letting moisture in within 2 weeks. When I called rough country for warranty, they said I have to pull the light off, send it back, when they receive it they will send the new one... well, send the new one and i will send the old one back in that box lol. Not like I held on to the box. Dude said did you check the vent wasn't plugged? I did, removed the vent entirely and put some air in there and you can see the moisture coming out the seal along the whole front of the light bar. The rough country one I had on my tacoma lasted 6-7 years and never lost a bulb or got any moisture in it, I don't know if Rough Country quality went down or if I just got lucky last time or unlucky this time.