I'm looking to sell my AnkerMake M5 3d printer because I want to print multi color. It's a great printer, the only real competitor in the consumer market is the Bambu Labs P- or X-series printers. When you look at Creality or other printers the frame is made up of aluminum extrusions that are bolted together with thin brackets and use crappy components. This printer is made up of a massive cast aluminum base with cast aluminum uprights that are bolted to the base. When printing I can pick up the printer by the uprights and rotate it 90º and there is no flex. The print doesn't suffer at all. Speaking of flex, it's a direct-drive printer so it can print flexible materials (you see what I did there?).
I've had it for maybe a year and it's really been a workhorse. I just completed about 55 hours of printing at 500 mm/s with 0 failures. The pictures below show the prints that were done at 500 mm/s. If you're not aware, most printers don't do much more than about 55 mm/s. If you 'slow' the M5 down to 250 mm/s the prints are much, much better. It's nice to be able to crank it up to 500 mm/s when you want draft quality and just want it done now.
This printer is great for a beginner, or someone that wants the printing, NOT the printer to be the hobby. No tinkering, just printing. It has auto bed leveling which is stinkin' awesome. If you use the Anker slicer it has error detection. I use Prusa so I don't use the error detection. That being said, I've only had 3 errors in the year plus I've had it, and that was because of me, not the machine. The app is great too. You can not only monitor the print, but you can change speed, fan speed, start and stop prints from anywhere you have internet.
I've upgraded the v-slot wheels and AnkerMake upgraded the extruder for me. I think I had a funky noise? I can't remember why. But I have the upgraded extruder and hot end. I also have an all-metal hot end (not installed) so you can print high temp materials, as well as a bunch of nozzles, brass and hardened, from 0.2mm to 1.0 mm, the tool kit, a second textured build plate and a few other odds and ends. In 10 years of printing, this is the BEST build plate I've ever had. It sticks like crazy, but when it cools down the print comes right off.
I would recommend watching the reviews linked below for a very honest review. The error detection and bed leveling have been GREATLY improved since the review.
The only con is that the printer is loud. I consider it loud, many don't. My printer is 3' from my head though.
Link to Review Link to another review
The next two pics are prints that were done at 250 mm/s. The quality is better.
I'm looking for $400 to a GRMer. If you have another number in mind, make me an offer. The worst I can say is no. I have the original box and will ship it in the original box at the buyers expense. If you're close-ish to 33954 I'll come over and get it going for you if you'd like.