In the market for a 90-97 Nissan pickup or 90-05 Toyota pickup. $3kish price range.
4cly 5speed 2wd standard cab preferred. Willing to travel for the right one, southeast or midwest is easyest.
Yes there are lots on CL, but most are beat, poorly represented or 200k+ miles.
Hoping a GRMer has one that needs a new home.
High mileage Toyota Pre-Runners go for that money but around here everyone buys the 4x4. They only pop up on ebay searches that are too far away.
LOL I have an 86.5 kingcab with around 400k miles on it.
11/11/16 7:30 a.m.
What about the Mazda B2000 with the wankel in it that someone here is selling? It's in Florida, IIRC. It looks really clean.
both of those suggestions are pretty cool in their own way, but wouldn't be very DD friendly in a Michigan winter.