Ian F
5/12/18 7:23 a.m.
For sale in Canada
Oh. My. God.
I've wanted one of these for 40 years. Literally. Ever since getting a Matchbox of one as a gift when I was 7 and thus starting my obsession with station wagons.
I can't believe the low price given how rare these are. Only made for one year. Unfortunately it's in Canada and I'm sure it'll be long sold by the time my passport is renewed.
Even worse, I have no idea where I'd put it once I got it home.
(pictures and ad text copied and saved for record)
"1977 Cougar wagon has 351M engine, power windows & seat. Floors & frame in good original condition. Currently licensed & on the road. Does not have 3rd row seat."
92K KM
asking price $5400 CAD

again - NMNA!
Ohhh awesome interior.
Ian, if you were smart, I’d buy that right now and never look back. A running and driving car vs your project non runners that has been sitting for how long? Make the LEAP! I am sure we have enablers in Canada to help you with the logistics of getting the car down to you.
Ian F
5/12/18 7:58 a.m.
In reply to Sine_Qua_Non :
Believe me. Part of me really wants to. Unfortunately, that aircraft carrier wouldn't fit in my garage. 
5/12/18 8:22 a.m.
My grandfather bought one of those new back in 1977. His was metallic brown with brown vinyl interior and woodgrain sides. It was huuuuuuuuge. It overheated frequently and the 400M engine blew up and was replaced under warranty. It stranded us in Quebec once. I would love to have that car back in the family.
5/12/18 12:01 p.m.
There's one JUST like this that shows up at the Woodward Dream Cruise, but it's got Michigan plates.
If this was in Windsor and not Oshawa I'd be tempted. That's only $4200 USD.
5/14/18 6:51 a.m.
That interior is unreal. God bless the 70s.
That is the most 70s interior I have ever seen.