There are movie replicas, and then there are replicas with a more authentic feel. Consider this the latter. This car uses actual pre-war parts, including a 1924 Packard chassis and a 5-liter, 6-cylinder Studebaker engine.

The car’s inspiration came from the 1968 film “Chitty Chitty B…
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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is still one of my mother's favorite films. I fondly remember watching it a lot when I was a kid.
New Reader
7/14/23 3:10 p.m.
James Bond for kids. :) Actually, I like the movie better than Ian Fleming's novel. But I like most of the Bond movies better than the novels as well.
New Reader
7/14/23 3:10 p.m.
James Bond for kids. :) Actually, I like the movie better than Ian Fleming's novel. But I like most of the Bond movies better than the novels as well.