Before the DMC DeLorean, there was another gullwing two-seater: the Bricklin SV-1. Just 3000 were built between 1974 and 1975, with less than half of that believed to be still in existence. This is one of them.

Instead of a stainless steel body like the DeLorean, the Bricklin used acry…
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One of my neighbor's friends used to show up in a new one of these when I was kid:)
It's rare because the doors haven't started delaminating yet.
A couple college buddies and I were sports car shopping just before graduation. We decided to go look at the newly introduced Bricklin (sports car?) at a nearby dealership. They had two Bricklins on the showroom floor. One of my buddies was 6'4", so he especially wanted a sports car he could fit in. We asked the sales folks if our tall buddy could sit in one of them. They told us he could if only they could unlock the doors. Turns out, they had somehow drained the batteries of both cars overnight; so, they couldn't unlock the doors. We left.
In reply to kellnertd :
Bummer! I'm 6'4" and I was wondering if I would fit, too.