The Griffin Museum of Science and Industry’s latest exhibit shines the spotlight on James Bond. It’s called “007 Science: Inventing the World of James Bond.”
It focuses on the science and technology behind the iconic vehicles of the franchise.

A total of 13 vehicles are …
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AFAIK, this is a traveling exhibit, it's popped up in several museums around the country over the years. As a huge Bond fan, I'd love to check it out, and Chicago is as close as it's ever been to me. Hmm....
2/5/25 10:26 a.m.
A local restaurateur owned one of the four DB5s used in Goldfinger - he had it in a big glass display compartment at his restaurant.
Ooh Ah, we have relatives in Chicago we see frequently. Gotta figure out a way to get there and see the exhibit. No job is a bitch!