Just when I thought SCCA wouldn’t have any way to race affordable I read about Club RACING Experience.
It’s real wheel to wheel racing with an instructor available to help. They say it’s intended to be like Vintage with no body contact but without the age/ provenance restrictions.
What’s really unusual is the rules apparently can be modified on the spot to allow non-compliant cars to run.
I suspect I’ll have to talk to a tech inspector to see just what that means. I remember in the past someone removed their sun visors but tie wrapped them in the car and they were disqualified.
12/3/17 8:38 a.m.
I know nothing bout this, but I applaud SCCA for finally trying some new things to get people involved.
Woody said:
I know nothing bout this, but I applaud SCCA for finally trying some new things to get people involved.
You’re right for decades they seemed to go along with the idea that everyone just had to do it their way.
This is the first glimmer that not everyone who wants to race is born with a silver spoon.
In the early 1970’s I stumbled on Vintage sports car racing. Shocking that new cars, roll cages, and fender flares weren’t absolutely needed to race. Once the costly SCCA overhead was eliminated we could race our stone stock MGT series right off the street with a little more than a safety check and tape up our headlights. And this was honest wheel to wheel racing. Restricted only in that Gentlemen (and the occasional Lady) simply do not dent another’s car or put another at risk. Simply the right crowd and no crowding.
All this for a mere $30 per event entry fee.