Love old fiberglass kit cars? We do too. That's why this Fiberfab Jamaican caught our eye on the Orlando Craigslist page. In the 1960s and '70s the Jamaican could be built on the platform of a Triumph TR3, TR4, MGA, Austin-Healey or Volkswagen Beetle, with the Austin-Healey based cars tending to be…
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I wonder if the body could be re-worked to fit a more modern chassis like a C4 'vette. A C3 might be easier though.
in the late60,s we did one on an AH 3000 frame W/ A Cobra Spec. 289 9" rear,Motor Wheel "FLY" rims 7&8"wide,was quite Fast.It's likely in a Barn Around Atl. Somewhere today.