Ha! I could finally beat Tom Letourneau to a good one. The Framingham, MA. junk car removal company I pass frequently finally moved one of the used up trucks that had been a long time resident near the street, on their lot. And what was now revealed? A Lotus Europa, or most of one, anyway. It’s likely a forklift placed it there, since this one was clearly not running when parked. Rust red primer in color, it looked totally stripped, no wheels, perhaps no suspension bits, some window glass missing, no lights. Who knows how long it’s been there, it can be seen in the Google satellite photos of the lot. I’m bringing my camera next time by. A “Ran When Parked” candidate, or maybe someone, inspired by Tim’s Elan resurrection project, might rescue it.
Well, it didn’t work. The next time I went by, the Lotus was gone, along with many of the other cars that were there. It looks like a massive cleanup was underway. No sign of what happened, so it could be RIP. Oh well, I tried.