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Leo  Basile
Leo Basile Reader
1/8/12 3:20 p.m.

I clicked Morgan since they still are in business and still family owned and I have one, as well as a TR4...

But I thought about the question a bit more. My truly favorite British sports car make is MG.

To paraphrase Churchill; So many owe so much to so few.


GSCReno Reader
1/9/12 7:22 a.m.

Morgans cannot be beat as far as the cool factor goes, but I can say with all certainty that I'll never be able to afford one. After owning a '55 MGA, a '64 Midget and half a dozen MGBs over the years, I had to vote for Triumph... I rue the day 20 years ago when I sold my '63 TR4. I hope that someday I'll have another one. Cheers, Scott

triumphcorvair New Reader
1/9/12 2:30 p.m.

I would have to vote Jags first (particularly the XKE's) then the Triumphs, then the MG's

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Web Manager
1/9/12 3:08 p.m.

I'm outside the curve...I'd pick a Jag first, and a TVR Griffith second.

Completely different cars, I know. And just about everybody warns me away from owning a TVR...but still.

Joe Gearin
Joe Gearin Associate Publisher
1/9/12 4:21 p.m.

I'd have to lean towards Jag as well. ( I have a huge crush on a Series I E-Type Coupe) They just made so many beautiful machines. I have to admit though, the new ones leave me cold.

No one has picked Marcos?

Curmudgeon SuperDork
1/9/12 4:28 p.m.

I voted Jensen (surprise, surprise). I have owned MGs, Triumphs etc and my dad owned two Jag E types (which I loved) but Jensens have always had a special place with me. I would really like a GT and an Interceptor to go with my two Jensen Healey roadsters.

Joe, you are right. The new Jags just are not what one would expect. I bet Sir William is spinning in his grave right now.

wspohn Reader
1/9/12 5:19 p.m.

MGAs are my first love - a better combination of looks and performance (easily upgradable with later MGB gear) is hard to find, and the under appreciated coupe version gives you all modern conveniences like roof, roll up windows etc.

That is my favourite sports car.

My favourite grand touring car are the Jensens - Interceptor for effortless long distance travel without wearing yourself out and a decent high speed capability, and the less civilized, much lighter and much higher performance (OK, so mine has a big block Chrysler sixpack engine in it) CV-8. Both are better than the Jag grand tourers any day (and I've owned those too).

GSCReno Reader
1/9/12 10:42 p.m.

Edit: Sorry,I had a '56 MGA... Damn, I hate getting old. Cheers, Scott

Series6 Reader
1/9/12 11:09 p.m.

I have to admit, always loved the 1960 Jaguar MkII. We lived in Toronto from 1960-61 and I saw one. Promptly bought the Dinky Toy die-cast. Same color. Few weeks later, just before we moved to Los Angeles I saw my first Sunbeam Alpine. Ended up in the Alpine camp, but got close to getting one once.

I was working at a tire store in Reseda California for a bit and a MkII came in one day for tires. Car had been sold to the actor Steven Boyd, the bad guy in Ben Hur. After we got the tires on I got to deliver it to Mrs. Boyd. On the same street was another one, just parked, apparently had been there for quite some time. Later that week I knocked on the door with the intent to introduce myself and ask if the car was for sale. Left my card. Got a call a few days later that I had been a little late. Already made a deal on it. DANG.

Weeks later, just for grins, I went back and it was still there. Left another card but got no response. Year later, it was still there. One last try but nothing. Never went back... I just wonder...

Jim Pettengill
Jim Pettengill HalfDork
1/9/12 11:58 p.m.

Can't vote, because my favorite British car make is Lotus, particularly the classics - Seven, Elite, Elan, Europa, Esprit, Cortina and all the great race cars - Eleven, 25, 33, 38, 49, 72, 79, etc.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Web Manager
1/10/12 10:18 a.m.

D'oh! How could I have left Lotus off the list?

I should be flogged. I'm sorry for that oversight.

KaptKaos Reader
1/11/12 12:55 a.m.

+1 with Lotus

You also left off Reliant. Particularly the Robin!

AndreGT6 Dork
1/11/12 6:47 a.m.

DB4 Race Car.

Gary Reader
1/11/12 7:00 a.m.

What Andre said ... especially the GT Zagato version shown in the pic

My all time favorite, but best in authentic metallic green

Bainford New Reader
1/11/12 10:19 a.m.
Tom Heath wrote: D'oh! How could I have left Lotus off the list? I should be flogged. I'm sorry for that oversight.



In lieu of Lotus, I chose Triumph, though really it is a tough choice. The Austin Healeys are gorgeous, and Aston Martin produced one of my very favorite GTs, and MG made it possible for anyone to put a sporting ride in their garage. I've always had a soft spot for the TR5 or TR250, though, as well as the GT6. Hell, my Europa is half Spitfire.

oldtin SuperDork
1/13/12 11:46 a.m.

No idea why, but I've got a soft spot for pre-war rileys - but I clicked Triumph since I've had a few in the past and on a current TR4.

Tahoe New Reader
1/13/12 1:26 p.m.

Let's see I've owned 3 Tigers, 3 Alpines, 1 Bugeye, 14 Morris, 4 Lotus, and I've driven a TR3, TR6, Healy 3000, MK2 Jag, and a Mini.

I have to say that I haven't experienced Aston Martins or XKE's, etc. but I would go with the Lotus Type 26 (Elan). Not because it's the best made, has the best fit and finish, etc., but because it just kick's butt when mechanically sound. I loved driving the MK2 Jag and if I ever find a reasonably priced ,clean example, it would be a great car to have fun in with 4 people.

roy_s New Reader
1/13/12 2:41 p.m.

I also agree on the DB4.

Although that pic is of a Ferrari 250 SWB, and a rather famous one at that.

This is a DB4:


spnx New Reader
1/13/12 10:54 p.m.

Aw, no Daimler.

gjz30075 Reader
1/15/12 8:12 a.m.

Avatar says it all (well, most of it anyway).

AndreGT6 Dork
1/15/12 8:41 a.m.

I like this one....


gjz30075 Reader
1/16/12 6:54 a.m.

I see why you like it: A Fiat with Spitfire trim. Pretty rare

GautamAuto New Reader
5/28/12 3:21 a.m.

Very nice cars But i likes this one in both. Thanks

wspohn Reader
5/29/12 5:57 p.m.

I guess it depends on your selection criteria.

Handling most important to you? That let's out many Triumph models (but not all - I have a fondness for the later GT6).

Refinement? There goes the Aston (ever driven a DB4? It reminds me of a small truck!)

Combination of decent power, looks and agility? There are quite a few. The original Lotus Elite was a little sweetheart. My own favourite, the MGA Twin Cam (totally different experience than the pushrod version - you'd have to have driven one to have an opinion about them) has its advocates. The XKE is a true classic. The Bugeye is slow, but it is just so endearing that many would opt for it as a fave.

cpdave New Reader
5/29/12 7:05 p.m.

Daimler SP250! Gotta love a Hemi V8 I can pick up and carry around the shop!

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