Long title, but had me and my neighbour in stitches.
In the end I dropped the rear tires down to 20 PSI.
Blocks behind the rear tires and a whole lot of kitty litter.
You know the line about using 2nd gear when you lack traction.
Well the GT6 is so torquey she was spinning in 4th!
Fun, but shez. It took me about 30 mins to get her back inside out of the cold and snow.

12/28/11 11:32 p.m.
Andre, you just need a running start..........
<img src="
" />
I used to "daily drive" my 73 MGB back in the day, growing up in Detroit. We didn't even consider using snowtires back then, just a trunkfull of electrician's tools was all the traction aid required.
Oh, and at age eightteen, you're still immortal
I thought about rolling back onto the street, but was worried it was just as bad and I'd be stuck driving the car south hehe.
"Thread the needle" into the garage between the wall, race car, compressor, welding kit and stopping at the end.
ERRRR no thanks. 
Been there, done that. To take the picture on my profile page, I backed the Tiger out into the beginnings of a pretty good snow storm. Picture done, it took about 30 minutes to get the car up the driveway, a slight uphill and curve to the left, no more than 100 feet total. Even with good tread, the Tiger broke loose with the least application of power. But there are plenty of photos of Tigers making a good showing in Euro rallies back in the day...
By the way, I tried to replace my avatar after the website overhaul. It flushed the old one but will not let me replace it. So I get the red x.