Allowing newer cars into vintage and historic racing will eventually ruin the sport.
That was actually a very good one to ask.
This yr I did a double take at Mosport when a honda civic went by in the +70 group. Vintage my azz.
Its out of place and out classed in that field. Placing it into a power class with Spitfires and MG's would be even more ridiculous.
I mean maybe there will be a +80 group one day, but there are classes for that stuff already.
Instead of a YES or NO, some of the questions are more clearly answered by a TRUE or FALSE. Did anyone else get the same impression?
I don't know, I disagree to some extent. I think you shouldn't mix them in with the "normal" classes, but I like seeing the old GTP cars run. And I'd like to see a class for old showroom stock cars. I don't think you should start throwing old IT cars in there, but there are some classes that could fit nicely I do believe.
Ian F
9/19/08 9:57 a.m.
I don't really know... but I will say that seeing a late model S4 running with the vintage cars at Watkins Glen this year seemed rather odd. 
9/19/08 1:55 p.m.
I voted "yes"; allowing newer cars into vintage and historical racing seems inappropriate to me...totally against the vintage racing concept.
I would draw the line at a certain year and then anything older than that is OK regardless of what it was. Isn't that how it's done now?
This is where the definition of "vintage" as opposed to "just old" becomes important, sort of like the difference between old stuff no one wants and a true antique.