This might be one of the coolest videos I've ever seen online. 6 guys dissassemble a jeep to its major subassemblies, rebuild it, and drive away in 4 minutes.
It makes me want an Army Jeep, but thankfully I've been able to resist that temptation so far.
Watch the video on YouTube.
It also reminds me of stories where someone would remove an aircooled VW motor in 10 minutes or less.
Anybody else have an amazing maintenance action on film or quick-fix emergency tale?
9/13/10 1:57 p.m.
I suspect that Jeep was missing a few bolts.
I suspect you're right, but that's still a pretty slick way to have a parade.
In reply to Tom Heath:
back in the early 80's I was wrenching for a living. I had a numb nut shop forman that didn't know anything and spent most of his time talking to the salesmen up front. Anyway, one of the tire busters blew the engine in his bug and couldn't afford to get it fixed. Including me, there were 3 mechanics in this shop. So we pulled the old bug in the back door and hid it behind an alignment rack. We were all familiar with bugs, so we proceeded to pull the old engine out, replace it with another used unit, and he drove it home that day. We did this all inbetween jobs, usually only one of us working on it at a time, but we got it done, and the shop forman never even knew the car was there. True story told poorly. 

i don't know
Actually, a hot two-man team with hand tools and a floor jack can remove an aircooled VW engine, reinstall it and drive away in less than 10 minutes. This used to be a standard contest at VW aircooled meets, may still be (I'm not in that scene anymore).
Anyone seen the video of the guy changing the alt belt on the vw bug with a screwdriver while it was running, kind of cool
Unrelated, but I like this video better:
9/16/10 12:11 p.m.
Jeez ... beautiful sights and sounds but the drive through the tunnel scared me just watching it!