A friend is selling is 1977 MG Midget. He already cut the bumpers off and some other stuff to give a sort of speedster look. He has lost intrest in the project and offered the car to me for a grand, this includes an extra 1275 engine.
I have no intrest in Midgets, esp Spitfire powered ones, but I got to thinking...Maybe this would make a nice race car...
So I know that some of the vintage rules allow newer cars that never had real changes from year to year, such as Morgans, MG Bs and such.
I was hoping I could get some advice and\or commentary on this prospect.
Leo, with a convertible, you'll still need to add safety equipment like a roll cage and belts for just about any race track time, even "schools" like track days.
Your car, depending on how it's prepped (Link Here) should be able to race with the HRG. The closest we come near you is Millville in NJ or Pocono. I'm sure there's another body that would let a 77 MG race in Vintage, the Jefferson 500 at Summit Point comes to mind. It still might not be too late to getting into the Fall Festival at Limerock on Labor day weekend. MG is the featured marque this year and it's the selected event for the MG clubs too. I was talking to someone at Limerock last week and they said 12 Mgs were entered. There should be room for another 3/4 of a car.
Contact me off line and I'll send you the email of the vintage coordinator for the event.
The reply above this one is SPAM. 
My Spridget is actually a '78 Midget. I've been vintage racing with it for the last 6 years, mostly with the 1500 engine (with surprisingly decent results). This year, it's running a 1275, which is more to my liking.
The SVRA actually lists the 1500 Midget. VRG will accept it for sure (I'm a shining example of that). It looks like HRG will take it and my guess is the VCDA and VARAC will too.......especially if it has a backdated appearance (no big bumpers) and the A series engine.
The 1500 Midget is actually an excellent race car. It's cheap, mostly unloved and shares lots of performance parts with older Spridgets.
Video and photo examples of racing mine ~HERE~.

I owned a hotted up 1275 Midget back in the day. Had over size 1 1/2" SU's, 3/4 cam, headers, higher CR and head work. It was a blast to drive and definately a sleeper.
My fear was to have the right car with the wrong engine. Im not too concerned with the cost of building a "winning" race car, as much as just building a "legal" race car.
Thanks Everybody.
Just bought some 13 inch widened rims for my round arch next years challenge car . gonna run stocker 1275 might just start vintage racing it in florida or small bore challenge ?
where did you get those 13inch rims bro? can you post some pictures in here? also the schedule of events for 2012 so i wont miss any of the events. old car parts are tough to find.
Here are some detail photos of front running Midgets at the big vintage evens. These are some of the fastest vintage MG Midgets in the country.
Some in car videos from some of the fastest
Most east coast vintage clubs use SVRAs rule set. Study their rule book. They allow some items that some (not all) feel aren't "in the spirit", but are 100% legal per the rules.
VRG and HRG are smaller organizations and have a more "SCCA regional" feel. Smaller turnouts, and the competition is a more laxed.
The big festival events hosted by HSR, SVRA, and VIR (the track hosts the Gold Cup), are more in line with the Runoffs or June Sprints as far as level of competition goes. Most of the drivers up front are former SCCA and/or IMSA hot shoes and have cars prepped to match. However, big fields at these events mean lots of competition for the entire field. VDCA draws pretty deep fields as well at a few of their races.
The beauty of vintage is there is a place for everyone, no matter your car prep or driving ability.
Here are the rules:
Vehicle specific:
and "Group 1" (small bore run group with SVRA) specific: