This is a cool football story. Alfred Morris, a new running back for the Redskins, drove his 1991 Mazda 626 last year despite earning $700,000. Mazda loved his attitude and they are refurbishing it for him!
I think that's way cool, all the way around.
PR move on Mazda's part to refurb a car for someone who could afford to do it themselves. But he is famous, so everyone gets to hear how "awesome" Mazda is.
Let me see them do that to some poor working stiff that NEEDS that car to provide groceries for their family.
7/25/13 6:59 p.m.
Smarter than most sports stars. It's unclear in the article, is he paying for the referb or Mazda?
Nice to see a guy so passionate about his car.
Possible GRM candidate and does not know it yet?
Good for him though.
My first ever new car purchase was an '89 626 LX and I drove that car daily for 14 years. It was literally the kind of car that you felt could last darn near forever. I'd still have it if my wife hadn't made me sell it and buy a larger "family vehicle" in advance of the birth of our first son.
Cool story. And Mazda IS awesome!
We should email Mr. Morris the link to the MX-6 for sale in the 2013 Classifieds.
7/25/13 8:47 p.m.
This is great PR. Hats off to Mazda to reward people who love their car......I wonder if they would restore my Miata.....naw I don't want it back to stock.
That guy's gonna be a good dad.
It's good to hear about someone who, like Warren Buffet, isn't going to wash his kids with the money he earned. Teach them to live by meager means. It makes them real people.
7/25/13 10:30 p.m.
It's good PR for Mazda but the NFL needs to put Mr. Morris on a pedestal and bow before him.
That's one organization in desperate need for a positive role model.
7/25/13 11:32 p.m.
F2, or F2T, that is the question.
Cone_Junky wrote:
PR move on Mazda's part to refurb a car for someone who could afford to do it themselves. But he is famous, so everyone gets to hear how "awesome" Mazda is.
Let me see them do that to some poor working stiff that NEEDS that car to provide groceries for their family.
I completely disagree. Do it for someone famous who could afford whatever they wanted to but choses to drive that car, and its good publicity and they will likely take care of it, the type of person who needs the car just to take care of their family is also the kind of person who will have better things to spend money on than taking care of the car. Then when pictures of it sitting in a self service junkyard in a couple years show up on Jalopnik, how will that look for Mazda? Not so good lol.
I read it that he was having Mazda restore it for him, not that Mazda was footing the bill.
Cool story.
pres589 wrote:
F2, or F2T, that is the question.
F2T cause boost is addicting. He'd sold it by now if it was a N/A car.
I wonder if the truth of this story got garbled up due to the less-than-precise writing we see so often in journalism these days. It could be that the guy is paying a dealership to refurbish his car, 'cause he's got the dough to do that, and Mazda Corporate has nothing at all to do with it. Also, saying "Mazda has my car" when the meaning is "The Mazda dealership has my car" would not be irregular, within a certain dialect, which this football dude may be accustomed to speaking in.
7/26/13 8:04 a.m.
In reply to moparman76_69:
You know, an F2 powered manual trans GD chassis Mazda should be one of those crazy long lived vehicles as long as rust is kept at bay. If the trans ever goes I'd try to find an H-type and have it rebuilt by someone that knows what they're doing, just to try and add more beef to the system.
I really wish they had brought the wagons here.
7/26/13 11:10 a.m.
Also, saying "Mazda has my car" when the meaning is "The Mazda dealership has my car" would not be irregular, within a certain dialect, which this football dude may be accustomed to speaking in.
Why dont we make some more sexual orientation jokes while we're at it. Or stop hiding behind insinuations and just say 'black people cant talk right'. Unless, that is, you dont want people hearing you say such things, in which case you might not want people hearing you MEAN such things, either. 
who, like Warren Buffet, isn't going to wash his kids with the money he earned. Teach them to live by meager means. It makes them real people.
You should look into the grandkid he disowned. He has his beliefs about family and i dont particularly disagree with them, but when your conviction to not raise your kids with a certain view on money gets mixed up with disowning them if they make relatively benign judgments about YOU and YOUR money, it's not exactly the most constructive form of paternalism.
Don't get me wrong. I applaud Morris for hanging on to a reasonable car and not spending his complete signing bonus at a Lambo dealer.
You don't see many humble NFL players.
The story led me to believe that Mazda is footing the bill for the refurb. It's obviously a PR move because the guy could afford to maintain that vehicle all he wants. If they did this for Joe Schmoe nobody would know except them.
I see this as "hey, not all NFL players are juvenile d-bags" rather than Mazda is such a wonderful car company because they restore cars for rich guys.
7/26/13 2:47 p.m.
Ludacris loves his Legend. Luckily he took those E36 M3 wheels off it.
Love the fact that he doesn't feel the need to be a "baller" in a jacked-up Escalade, or Lambo. The NFL needs to bring more attention to guys like this.
Chad Pennington had a similar story. Even after he became a starter for the Jets, he was driving around in his crappy old 80's GM sedan. I hope he was smart with the $$ he did make, as I'm pretty sure he's out of football now.
octavious wrote:
I read it that he was having Mazda restore it for him, not that Mazda was footing the bill.
Cool story.
That is how I read it too.
I don't care who's paying, I still think it's cool that Mazda agreed to work on a 91 626 in the first place!
While it isn't news that he is still driving around that car (it's been mentioned a few times on here before I believe), the NFL def needs focus on gentlemen like this. Plus he's from one of the many schools I dumped money into, FAU!
Really, ESPN, Fox Sports, NBC Sports, CBS Sports, etc all need to focus on modern players like this and not all of the scumbags and negative things that happen in the sport. It's very rare to turn on Sportscenter or a similar show and actually see a positive story about a major athlete. 90% of the stories unrelated to an actual game deal with the negative aspects of the players.
I highly doubt this even made a squeak on sportscenter but very awesome and I applaud him, E36 M3 I can't even keep a car for more than a few months. I wish I could be more like Mr. Morris.