In reply to Harvey :
Had never heard of... looked on line a few seconds - seems like cool stuff. Did see this don't know if im allowed to link that, or if I did it correctly! I would HOPE his price is way too high, but... might not be!
I converted the rules to our odd ball non-metric dimensions last night, but didnt get to pull my matchbox trucks out of wherever my wife packed them away. Looking forward to seeing how much my old stuff weighs.
BTW, since the filters are auto for some bad words, why does it not turn wife into SHMBO automatically? Hmmm.
I just looked at ebay, $5 for new cars, that is over budget if its $2. I would have my car choice shipped directly to the track..
Who is going to do the announcing? that was key to the video. Maybe the real contest is having people submit their announcing edited
to the video and we pick who's best? :)
1/30/20 11:38 p.m.
In reply to nimblemotorsports :
New cars are literally $1.00 in box stores.
If volsroddin doesn't want to announce, I can. (I announce for my SCCA region and should be doing it at the NT too) We can figure out how to layer the audio and video.
In reply to Javelin :
Yes, they are $0.96 at Walmart, about the same at target and usually a $1 or at most $1.25 at grocery stores. Dollar Tree has hot wheels and matchbox, price implied.
Ebay would have the ones that may seem as collectable.
I need to go through my collection and see which ones I have extras of, that I wouldn't feel bad opening up and modifying. I'm pretty sure I have at least a few that I own three or more of. 
In reply to NoBrakesRacing :
Hey I'm in for 2 them! Shipping will be $10 to the track..
In reply to slowbird :
(Instead of doing this, I went to Walmart and bought a crapton of new ones, including 3 Gulf GT40s. One to keep in the plastic, one to open up and modify, and one to A/B test against the modified one.)
In reply to slowbird :
I will probably end up doing the same. Can never have too many, right?
FYI the Ford GT (older-new GT like 2005 style) racing car is a hair too wide for some orange tracks. Same for the modern Cobra Concept.
In reply to Javelin :
Yeah we can figure out something for the announcing. I don't have any expirance editing videos. This will be a skill that will be learn down the road.
In reply to Volksrodden :
I use a free software called Open Shot. I didn't know anything about editing either. You could always send me the raw video and I could edit and voice over?
so... I do have the ability to edit videos BUT I don't always have the free time.
Work has kicked into overdrive recently since they're re-organizing the whole shabang and Im left with the short end of the stick.
I'm volunteering to help make the videos but I'm also advising to try and find someone else. Announcing should be left to Javelin
I finally had a chance to get the track together and get some runs in, the videos where done with just my cell phone:
In reply to Volksrodden :
Good demo!
May I make some suggestions? Do you have any other cameras? Cell phones? Set one up about half way on that box looking up at the track to see the cars coming, and one at the finish line. The phone shows the start and overall, but it gets hard to see a little fast. The other two angles "complete the picture".
Otherwise, that's great! Figure out a semi-permanent layout for the GRM $2.20 / $20.20 Challenge and we can organize getting all the cars built and sent in. If you send me the raw files, I can edit the shots, slo-mo some, and dub in the voice overs. We'll have to do a simple ladder with W/L on it so I can get the details correct.
We can totally make this a good thing!
This is turning out to be something better then expected. Another reason this is the best forum I am on.
i still havent even drilled my rivets out lol
In reply to Javelin :
Thank you for suggestions, honestly I don't mind them at all, thank you. Last night was a last minute thing. Next time I will be using the tablet to flim....the phone is a few years old while the tablet is only six months old.
Oh and all cars that I ran where completely stock. Only the black Nova & v8 beetle had weight added to them. I think they where weighing in at 42grams.
I recently discovered the DRC racing series by 3dbotmaker as well, and I love that this is becoming a thing here too. We're gonna need some really tiny GRM decals/ stickers lol.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Better get Tom on it!