6/11/08 9:22 a.m.
In december a 1982 Corolla coupe was offered "free to a good home" here on the boards. Car was in NH, close to my parents place there, and just what i was looking for. When home visiting for the holidays I picked the car up and brought it home. Needed a few things like a battery, drivers side seatbelt and a rear brake hardline replaced. She currently starts, runs and stops great but due to the fact it isn't plated has just had a few drives up and down my parents small cul-de-sac. Hadn't been driven much for the two years prior according to the previous owner except for a few winter backroad drives.
So i'm a little apprehensive about the long planned trip. My girlfriend is accompanying me and we're going to do it in three days, this Sat-Mon. 6/14-16.
We're getting into NH on thursday evening so I can spend Friday prepping the car, getting the temp tags and doing some preliminary driving to hopefully flush out any major issues before being too far from the resources available in my hometown. I'm planning to do the other rear hard line to be safe since it looked nearly as rusted as the one that rusted through, change the oil, check the coolant, new plugs, and inspect the belts.
I know some of you have embarked on similar journeys with older cars known for less reliability than a toyota so i was hoping for some advice as far as things i need to bring, prepare on the car, and just generally traveling, etc...
Again, a huge thanks to Greg Warner (GregW1) for his gracious gift! links to archive threads:
New Reader
6/11/08 9:55 a.m.
Oh you got Gregs car so your south of bike week! Good!
Bike week brings COP's and well that somthing you don't need with a new car.
I'd say i could help but i'll be working Fri at the rochester fair ground 1/2 mile dirt flat track bike races, racing sat up in groveton in the dwarf then working at the Caanan fair flat track races sunday.
Things to bring:
zip ties,
duct tape,
jumper cables,
AAA card (in case of tow),
basic tools (hammer, socket set, screwdrivers),
electrical tape,
blanket, or tarp (in case you need to work on ground)
Make sure your tires, including your spare are decent, and that your wheel bearings are good. Don't start the trip with an exhaust leak, it will only get worse.
Rain-X is a good thing. A CB radio is entertaining, and can be handy.
I drove from NH to FL in a TR-6 this winter. Enjoy the ride! The trip isn't all that bad as long as you don't run into traffic around Baltimore/ D.C.
A Garmin or other GPS unit can really come in handy too!
Good Luck!
6/11/08 10:55 a.m.
ok, you're exactly who i was thinking of 
tools, AAA, jumpers, etc. are a check. also, didn't think about the rain-x. can't remember the shape of the wipers but that sounds like a good idea.
just checked with a co-worker and he'll lend a CB.
negative ghostrider on the GPS.
For that particular car, a set of spark plug wires and new plugs before you leave. The only issue I ever had with any of my 2TC or 3TC Toyotas was plug wires, and both times I had issues it was with cars that had been sitting a while.
Mass doesn't allow temp tags from other states, so you may either be driving around or running the risk of a big ticket. Just so you know and are prepared.
Make sure the spare is in good shape, and if the car's been sitting and the tires won't smooth out you might want to plan on buying some somewhere. At least do a little looking and figure out if PepBoys/Wallyworld/discount tire or wherever is running a sale that weekend so you know where to be looking along the way.
Aside from those, add tools and fluids and you can fix it along the way.
6/11/08 11:31 a.m.
Joe Gearin had pretty good suggestions, to add to the electrical tape a cheap splice/terminal kit and make sure your basic tools includes vise grips, channel locks, and needle nose pliers. Also, get the AAA Plus card if you don't have it already. It's worth it's weight in gold (actually, probably more, that card is really light) for trips like this, mine has saved my butt several times over the last decade. Also, I highly recommend you put a good 150-200 miles on it BEFORE you leave the comfort and safety of your house out there, then inspect it and fix as necessary. Most any critical stuff will pop up within a few hours of driving.
Consider a couple of short lengths of fuel line hose, vacuum hose and clamps, all sizes of zip ties (the big mofo's esp. !) Mostly it is cheap insurance, and sometimes the best you can hope for is to be able to "Limp" off the interstate, or get to a well lit location. Are you going to pull all four wheels to assess the brakes, make sure nothing is bound up? Good luck
Joe isn't kidding about the DC/Baltimore area. You'll want to time that crossing for the weekend.
Oh Yeah, a "Boost Box" is easier if you have one or can borrow one, but both jumper cables, and a "Boost Box" if you wanna cover your ass! ( usually you can prevent stuff from happening by having this stuff along for the trip )
+1 for good tires and a AAAplus card.
Look hard at the radiator and heater hoses. If questionable, replace them.
Xceler8x wrote: Joe isn't kidding about the DC/Baltimore area. You'll want to time that crossing for the weekend.
Yeah. Or run the risk of being forced to kill yourself with a dull, blunt instrument.
^Just in case, be sure to take a dull, blunt instrument^.
interesting that Mass does not allow temp tags from other states. This include the ones you get with a new car from the dealer?
I have made similar, if shorter trips recently in cars that were of questionable reliability. Both were run into the ground european cars that had been owned by broke college students.
In both cases, with wounded suspensions, I managed to get the several hundred miles home with no issues.
6/12/08 10:06 a.m.
hmm... we're going to camp somewhere in VA the first night. when's the best time to dodge dc/baltimore traffic? we'll probably go through there saturday evening.
and that's news to me about mass tags. my parents live like 20 minutes north of the mass border so there's nothing i can really do about driving through it. i'll just have to be careful.
we have a "boost box" for the gf's boat but it's too heavy to fly with us up there.
car came with two sets of wheels and tires. going to pick the best set and probably have to leave the other set there.
thanks guys! 
New Reader
6/12/08 10:31 a.m.
If it were me, I would bring as many already mounted tires with you as possible. Two full size spares would be great if you have the room.
Another thing. Since you are flying in, large suitcases are great on planes but not so easily squeezed into a small car. Smaller duffle bags will work better in the car. If it were me, I would have to remind the wife to pack light.
You mention camping. Does that mean you have to bring camping gear? If so, think "backpacking sized" gear.
6/12/08 10:48 a.m.
we've planned for that alleady. we're going to combine all clothes into one small suitcase when we get there, but right now we have two that also contain the sleeping bags, pillows and air mattress. that all can be redistributed easily in the vehicle. we're purchasing the tent tomorrow in NH. i'm secretly hoping to be able to fit all the wheels and tires but that may not happen.
where's the best place to camp about halfway between VA and Southwest FL? any grm'ers wanna lend us their yard? 
I would add a can of tire inflator/sealant (pick it up in NH, you can't take on a plane) You never know where you are going to get a flat.
A good atlas from Wal Mart would be essential.
A spool of strong but thin string. I have used it to operate wipers, return accelerator pedals to where they belong, secure loose body parts, and replace various springs with a manual pull. Things get sticky on old cars.
Jumper cables or better yet, a battery/jumper thingy.
(2) Flashlights
Peace offering. (when you yell at your wife in the middle of the night on some lonely back road after the 82 time the car looses power, you will need something to make up for it once you calm down)
Im in Gainesville within 1 mile of the interstate and it looks like I will be back in town in time to be of assistance (if needed). I will send you a pm with contact info.
So how did the 'Rolla do traveling the eastern seaboard ?
6/26/08 4:05 p.m.
well, we punted. sort of. made it great from NH to Buffalo, NY. but then we car dollied it behind the new wrangler my gf bought in nh from Buffalo down to FL. more tomorrow.