My mechanic is working on a 1964 C10, they're trying to replace the column shift linkage to keep the 3 on the tree set-up, but they can't find a source for replacement parts to rebuild the one they've got. Does anyone on here have a source for parts, or a good linkage they'd be willing to part with? Thanks!
Anything the same in like a GM A body?
a quick Google searched showed a couple company's listing certain pieces.
guess it depends on which parts you need.
My dad had a 64 C10 with three on the tree back in the 80s and I had to rebuild the linkage back then, so this is a known point of failure. Parts should be out there.
914Driver said:
LMC Truck never let me down.

I have a feeling it's the in column bushings and rod they can't find.
Thank you! I so appreciate the folks in this community, it's great to be able to come to the hive and get support on things. I suck at google, I type in one word incorrectly and never find what I'm looking for doh!
Couldn't find any on GMCPaul's, but there are these: See if your GoogleFu is good today, mine isn't.
There is a certain amount of welding, filing and shimming involved, as well.
E36 M3 wears out.
2/19/24 4:13 p.m.
This may help
2/19/24 4:14 p.m.
Also this