12/16/15 7:46 p.m.
Years ago I put a note on this guy's red volvo and told him to call me if he ever wanted to sell it. He kept my note and called recently. That's pretty cool. We made a deal for $500. Ran perfect but it has been running a little rough lately but oh well, I think one of the fuel pumps might be going away.
Wife not liking my "layering" approach to vehicles which is an approach best described as having a spare beater when your regular beater gets beat down too much to drive. I'm sure you're all familiar... I also just bought a 90 miata from a coworker, this 3rd string vehicle will serve as a backup to my backup. Pictures forthcoming...

Doesn't everyone have a backup for the backup? I'm pretty sure you are just getting to the dependable part of car ownership. As long as the backup's, backup is running, the primary will never fail.
You are now to the point of cardom, that the backup is the car you drove yesterday, and the backup's, backup, is the car you drove the day before, that will become the primary tomorrow when the primary becomes the backup.
Read it again, it'll come to you. 
If that fails, tell her it's for the children. 
Edit: It's a good thing you got a different color. I'd hate for you to get the backup confused with the primary or the backup's backup.
12/16/15 8:04 p.m.
Forgot to mention, I saw ANOTHER turbo brick in some guys driveway about a year and a half ago. So I went up to the door and knocked. As you can tell, I'm not real shy. The guy came out but didn't want to sell at the time. He emailed me the SAME WEEEK as the other guy! I went to drive it and it had some problems and he wanted too much money but now he just wants to unload it so he's offering it to me for the same price, $500. I want it as a backup to my two other backups but again.... wife. Wife not going to stick around if I cart home another volvo. She will not stay lol.
Sweet!! The backup's, backup's, backup! Though you might do better to call it a parts car.
Do Volvos travel in herds, flocks, gaggles, or braces? Maybe it's a brick of Volvos. 
12/16/15 8:08 p.m.
Meanwhile, I've got two turbo 4cyl volvos in the driveways and the significant other loves both!
FYI the in tank pump dies on these quickly. Also replace intake gaskets cause they sag and leak, as well as the vac hoses and you should be golden. I'm on my 3rd turbo redblock and still loving it
Offer to trade wife for third Volvo? Problem solved! 
12/16/15 8:18 p.m.
The pump under the car went out on the black car. I replaced it myself along with the fuel filter and, because I'm not a good mechanic like you guys, I had a heck of a time finding the right fittings and getting the job done. I got gas all over the place and I smelled like unleaded for about a week. The pump in the tank was fine thank god (I had one of my team of real mechanics check it). Ill probably have someone check out both pumps on the red one rather than go through that again. Now that I have two cars I think I'm going to start researching the classic ford 5.0 V8 swap but only if I can find someone in Cincinnati to help me do it. I'll probably do this to the black car and keep the red one as stock as possible. I already had the black one lowered and besides its been wrecked previously so who cares if I bulger it up...
Make the 3rd one a pick up conversion
12/16/15 8:31 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Doesn't everyone have a backup for the backup? I'm pretty sure you are just getting to the dependable part of car ownership. As long as the backup's, backup is running, the primary will never fail.
You are now to the point of cardom, that the backup is the car you drove yesterday, and the backup's, backup, is the car you drove the day before, that will become the primary tomorrow when the primary becomes the backup.
Read it again, it'll come to you.
If that fails, tell her it's for the children.
Edit: It's a good thing you got a different color. I'd hate for you to get the backup confused with the primary or the backup's backup.
I thought it was normal to have a beater for when the beater broke. E36 M3, my ex wife is still driving the beater i bought as a backup to the beater i bought as a backup to.....whatever the hell car. Its more reliable than her dts.
Are they 940 turbos? I'll take one off your hands.
Toyman01 wrote:
Sweet!! The backup's, backup's, backup! Though you might do better to call it a parts car.
Do Volvos travel in herds, flocks, gaggles, or braces? Maybe it's a brick of Volvos.
It's a Bond of Volvo's, referring to the brick laying patterns :)
12/16/15 9:42 p.m.
Yes, I can get you a turbo brick for $500 but you have to hurry as the guy is going to give it away to charity.
12/16/15 9:46 p.m.
Would you have a backup wife too?
Perhaps something with a boxy rear?

12/16/15 10:15 p.m.
I think you've got a good thing going there getting cheap Volvos. It might make her happy if you sell at least one for a profit.
This approach has many benefits:
- you get to choose if you profit or "upgrade" to a nicer car.
- she's happy that your hobby/addiction can help pay for itself.
- you have space and cash for the next one.
The other approach is to park them someplace when she doesn't see them all the time. I had a 20x30 warehouse for a while that was great for this approach. There were cars that she heard about, but never saw. If you can swing such a space, it also gives you space for bigger projects like parting cars out.
SVreX wrote:
Would you have a backup wife too?
Perhaps something with a boxy rear?
Both the primary and the back-up should both have ample trunk room - however, in my case, a back-up would cause the primary to have a timing explosion at a time I would be nearest in proximity, with potentially fatal results. 
I stuck a note on a guys Ferrari with my e-mail and a "let me know when you go insane and want to sell this for $50"
asoduk wrote:
The other approach is to park them someplace when she doesn't see them all the time. I had a 20x30 warehouse for a while that was great for this approach. There were cars that she heard about, but never saw.
Got a kick out of this. Although he seems to have slowed down to maybe buying and selling one car per year, and friend of mine was notorious for acquiring and flipping cars in a few months time. He was making arrangements for one behind his wife's back and she thought his behavior was suspicious. When she called him out on it she said "I don't really care, I was just glad it wasn't another woman." LOL
I'm afraid that I would fall into this logic pattern if I had more space for cars. I'm renting a small house in the city right now that has a garage for my project car and maybe enough room for 2 cars to park along the house. Otherwise I'd own "the beater to keep miles off the brand new car" and a "just because I may occasionally need it to haul stuff" truck. 
I am concerned by the way you use ordinal numbers to describe wives as well as Volvos and the mindset it implies. I advise you to be careful, or you may soon find yourself shopping for another wife. 
If you stick to one make/type of car, you may be able to make a little side business out of it and keep the spousal unit happy. I've done this with Volvo 122s (huh...must be a Volvo thing...) and just asked Mrs. VCH today if I could bring home another, to which she agreed.
Mind you we have (counts...) 10 Volvo 122s already at our house. So...yeah.
12/17/15 10:34 p.m.
1988RedT2 wrote:
I am concerned by the way you use ordinal numbers to describe wives as well as Volvos and the mindset it implies. I advise you to be careful, or you may soon find yourself shopping for another wife.
This guy, the 13th responder to my original post, either gets my humor or doesn't, I'm not sure which.
You needed more Volvos before the first wife. I had five cars when I met mine, now two or three seems really tame.
Tyler H
12/18/15 6:30 a.m.
I told mine that I use cars as an outlet for all my rambling tendencies.
Is there a wife to volvo ratio? Maybe you could stock pile wives to keep that balance.