So, I'm shopping for new tires for my gf's 2008 Honda Civic EX coupe. Got some prices on Goodyear LS and Kuhmo ASK all-season tires. She does a lot of highway driving, and with winter coming upon us here in Cleveland she needs something that can handle the crappy weather and watery/icy/snowy roads safely. Not getting snow tires, never needed them before, not gonna start now. From the reviews, it seems that the Goodyear LS tires are kinda hookey and not really that good of a value, while the Kuhmo ones seem to be pretty decent all around.
I thought that it would be a good idea to see if anyone has any experience or input on tires under 100$/tire (the ones above are about $80/tire and locally bought) for a newer Civic. My dad has connections and can get family discounts from a few local vendor, so not planning on doing the whole thing here either, but....
Thanks in advance GRMers!
I couldn't find the Kumho ASK on their website?
The Kumho Solus KH16 is my go-to tire for an all season.
I've run ASXs in snow, it's... not good. That particular Goodyear is a bit crap, though would be better in the white stuff.
What size are you looking for?
New Reader
11/7/11 6:05 p.m.
Dont know how much they cost for your tire size but I ran continental contact DWS's on my sentra. I was happy with how they handled the rain and snow.
11/7/11 6:12 p.m.
I'm always happy with Yokohamas on Hondas.
In reply to ValuePack:
Ouch, the ASX is that bad in the white stuff? I didn't have any idea they were that probably not the best kinda rubber to slap on the GFs ride, eh?
good to know!
I'm looking for 205/55-16 for the size.,.stock size for stock wheels on the civic...She has Nexen CP641 on it from WalMart and they've lasted about two years...maybe just stick with the same kind? The price seems to have gone up on them since she's got them though...
The Continental Contact DWS are too much I think, and the Yokohamas I don't know how they'd be in the E36 M3ty weather here in Cleveland...
Thanks though guys, keep the posts coming...!
Anyone from the Midwest with a lot of snow care to chime in more on all-season tires a lil more?
Ultimately looking for best cheapest tire...she's paying for them -insisting on it- and with school loans and stuff wants the best for as little as possible.