I do the same thing opening the bleeder when retracting the pistons. Like the process.
Twice over the past decades I removed my Hondas calipers and flushed them w a brake cleaner spray bomb. Was surprised how much dark crap/sediment came out. Haven't had a caliper leak. I don't believe the cleaner noticeably damages the piston seals.
impressive the bootless slider pin wasn't seized.
side note on our silver stars..... I have them Im my wife's Acadia. She's always had visibility issues. I hadn't replaced hers in a while. She was complaining about dimness again. I don't see other solutions, so we replaced them last week w another set. Made a big improvement. They reduce effectiveness faster than I thought.
the box said replace every 200 hours??? I think the website says 480... Keep us posted on how urs last
Glad to see the updates.
Great the MonZora runs well in the cold. Sign of a well maintained car!