z31maniac said:
We just have different opinions. I don't care about the name, or some heritage, that stuff doesn't matter to me. And I realize I may be in the minority on this one.
Build a cool car with great performance...........I'm in. I like BMWs simple, minimal interiors. I also like an engine that makes peak torque from below 2k RPMs to nearly 6k RPMs.
But I admit, I'm likely biased since I'm on my 4th BMW. They are a pain in the ass to own, expensive to maintain, but anytime a company releases a new coupe/sedan, at this price point, it's called "The M3/4 fighter." And for a good reason. The 3/M series cars have been the standard of relatively affordable coupes, that are drivers cars, for nearly 3 decades.
Not as different as you think, I agree with you but I was also hoping for more to be delivered under the Supra moniker. Like the analogy I gave before, the Cayman is an awesome car but if we were teased about the new NSX coming back for years, and then ending up with a flavor of Cayman, I'd be just as disappointed but it would in no way mean that I think it will be a bad car, or even that I wouldn't buy one.
And it's not even like I even like the JZA80 *ducks*. I always found them homely looking, especially from the front, and performance to be nothing special. But for this car, they didn't pick the name "Supra" just because they wanted to save money on printing badges or trademark costs. They picked it and teased it all this time because of what the name and the heritage means. So to put a finer point on it, my gripe isn't with the car but with Toyota.
I'm with you on BMWs, I'm an instructor with CCA, my first car was one and I've owned one since, including an E34 M5. This is what the engine bay of my E30 currently looks like and there's a NASCAR 4 speed behind all that, so purist I am not. But I do think certain car models evoke a formula that you as the manufacturer, betray at your own peril.