Figured you guys may be interested. I was going to buy my father a set of gearwrenches for father's day, and was prepared to spend 70ish on a small metric set. I read about the sale on another forum and picked up 2 sets today (one for each of us) during lunch. They've moved production to China, but i've got to say, they're very nice. All the edges are radius'd, they are highly polished and I have only found one small flaw in 14 wrenches. I couldn't be happier with the price:quality ratio.
I'll stick with my blue point set. As I had the gearwrench ones previously, and they kept breaking.
6/17/10 6:20 p.m.
I use those more than just about any other tools that I own. I don't know how I ever lived without them.
I'll let you know when/if I break one (I'm generally pretty good on tools). I don't wrench professionally (and neither does my dad), so a set of bluepoints just doesn't make sense for me. Just figured I'd spread the word about a really good deal, not start a brand discussion. Thanks.
New Reader
6/17/10 7:00 p.m.
That is a good deal on Gearwrench, and they aren't bad for what they are. Maybe I can get somebody to give me that set for my birthday...
6/17/10 8:36 p.m.
thought they were always chinese - or taiwan at least. never seen a gearwrench tool made here.
if i was not poor i'd probably snag a set.
6/17/10 8:46 p.m.
Dang it! Just paid $49 for the non-adjustable set at Lowes. A really useful wrench, esp. in tight places.
6/18/10 6:47 p.m.
Ive owned gearwrenches for about 4 -5 years now..
i broke a 12 mm one by putting a cheater pipe on it..
And i broke the internal ratcheting ring on my 15mm which gets used like a mofo and often gets hit with hammer and and cheater bar.
Some of the best tools ive ever bought!
my dad had a full set of gear wrenches going back at least till the mid 90's... when he moved and took his tools I had to have a set... I only have metric (no point in having another)
I will say that the kit sits at the very top of the tool box... 1st tool out and last in... i've had em for prob 6 or 7 years now... and all but one works perfectly... i think it's the 8mm catches up on the ratcheting sometimes... a quick reverse of it and it works just fine...
good tools to have
I've got two set of them. One Stanley and one Gear Wrench. One set off set and reversal, one set straight. Love them both. I might have to go get a set for the trailer tool box.
I should clarify, I bought the bluepoint set when I was working at a junk yard and breaking the gearwrench 10mm every 2 days or so. Our snappy dealer sold both the gearwrench's and the bluepoints, but was tired of us constantly returning the gearwrench's. So I got the whole set of mm bluepoints for $100.
6/19/10 7:11 a.m.
I'm careful with mine. I break frozen bolts loose with old fashioned box end wrenches whenever possible and then remove them with the gear wrenches.
Thanks btw. Called to find a place with them in stock and picked up a set today.
6/19/10 10:16 p.m.
Woody wrote:
I'm careful with mine. I break frozen bolts loose with old fashioned box end wrenches whenever possible and then remove them with the gear wrenches.
What he said. Gear wrenches are much like ratchets.. NOT for breaking bolts loose, only to take them out once they're broken loose.
That's why they make breaker bars.
NYG95GA wrote:
Woody wrote:
I'm careful with mine. I break frozen bolts loose with old fashioned box end wrenches whenever possible and then remove them with the gear wrenches.
What he said. Gear wrenches are much like ratchets.. NOT for breaking bolts loose, only to take them out once they're broken loose.
That's why they make breaker bars.
So I should stop hammering on my Craftsman ratchets and using big box wrenches to turn them into pry bars?
Somehow I've only broken one Craftsman ratchet, I think it was mostly kaput out of the box though.
6/19/10 11:16 p.m.
splitime wrote:
So I should stop hammering on my Craftsman ratchets and using big box wrenches to turn them into pry bars?
Heavens no. I never meant to imply.. uh..
Carry on. 
lol... I always read that and laugh... I know they aren't "supposed" to be used that way... but I don't have a beaker bar... and i've never had an issue... then again I don't wrench full time... I did manage to bust an 1/2" 3" long extention once... 3 foot cheater bar over the thing and my 300# body literally jumping on the end of it... (blasted axle nut on the mr2)... did finally get it off though :) haha
6/20/10 6:05 a.m.
Thanks, time to get myself a birthday present
In reply to donalson:
With a bigger pipe you don't have to jump as much 
A quality manufacturer that controls the operation in China is way different than someone looking for any factory to make a random part. In the case of GearWrench, their Chinese tools can actually be better because standards are so tight on the chroming process other places in the world these days, so you get a more durable finish.
GearWrench is top quality stuff - don't let the price fool you. It is the private label brand of Danaher tool. If you get snooty and think it is only for the poorer of us, you can probably but the expensive brands that are made through Danaher's private label program... We break a few tools here and there, but no more than I would expect form any other brand.
James Clay
Driver/Team Owner
BimmerWorld GearWrench Racing
After seeing this I bee-lined to the local NAPA auto parts (which I'd never been to) to see if it was available. It's a tiny, cluttered place on the main street of a slightly run-down town. They still smoke inside despite the ban.
No GearWrench on display, my colleague (FI Scirrocco among many projects) asks the counter guy about the deal. He explains they're an independent NAPA dealer and have none. Colleague explains the deal as he heard about it. The following ensues:
"Well, lemme look at the flyer...I've got it around here someplace...Ahh, here it is. This set for $34.99? come in metric or SAE..."
"Metric please"
"OK...lemme check. Says they got it in Baltimore. I can get it but you won't have it for Father's Day..."
"That's OK"
(I get my wallet out)
"Nah, just pay me when you pick up"
"Do you need my contact information?"
"Nah, I'll just put it aside for you..."
I vow from this day forward to buy every part I can from my local NAPA!
(And welcome to James Clay. Bimmerworld is a vendor I give as much business to as possible. I learned early on when I got the M3 that they are dead reliable at getting you the right stuff on time, every time, and offer superb and knowledgeable customer service)
In reply to Helterskelter:
I love my local NAPA. I called by cell phone for a vehicle speed sensor, not in stock but they offered to order it. Wouldnt take any contact info nor deposit or payment. I went in on the next Saturday and picked it up. Asked about the 15% car club discount and wound up at about 25% off.
Just the latest example.
Sears has the same- or similar- deal on Gearwrench tools right now. my brother just got a tool box and is trying to fill it, and called me yesterday to ask if $35 is a good price for an 8 or 9 piece gearwrench set. i said yes. he bought the SAE and metric sets.
and my local NAPA is just like the one motomoron went to. i've been living in this town for a year and a half and have had them order me a lot of parts, and i don't think either of the 2 counter guys know my name yet. they also always give me really good deals- as in generally about 10% less than what the computer tells them is the regular price, and then they round it down from there until it comes out to an even $$$ amount with tax.
New Reader
6/20/10 1:04 p.m.
Thanks for the heads-up on the Sears discount Nova... No NAPA stores near me, so I ordered online from Sears. 7pc flex-head metric, $45. 50% off all GearWrench.