My '83 944 has developed a bit of a stumble when cold. She starts right up and idles perfectly and even drives like it's a brand new car for about 2-3 minutes, then I'll come to a light and it will feel like it's going to stall, but never does, and when I go to pull away, it's like the car has about 20% of it's power. I floor it and it sort of chugs along for a few seconds and then BAM it takes off like a rocket. Almost like something was plugging it up and it then got blown out. It used to do this once and be fine, now it seems to do it until the car is totally warmed up, afterwhich is runs beautifuly.
Any 944 owners have a similar experience? Cat going bad? I read maybe a bad speed/reference sender?
I am trying to trade out of the car and want to make sure that it's rectified before I let it go to the new owner so that there are no surprises here.
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